Kirkby Stephen  


Kirkby Stephen

Post-Master, John Powley – Letters arrive from Brough by a horse post at 9 mng. And are despatched at 12 noon.

Abbott Mrs. Widow

Alderson Mrs. Alice, Market place

Birch Mr. James

Blenkarn Jno. Sherrif’s officer

Bradley Wm. currier, Townhead

Brougham James, sen. Esq. Townhead

Brougham James, jun. Esq. Vicarage

Capper Rev. Rev. John, Independent minister

Chapelhow Sarah, wool, worsted, and yarn dealer

Cleasby Mrs. Isabella

Coates Mr. Thos. Townhead

Davis Rt. Baker, Townhead

Dixon John, tanner & Tawer, Townhead

Dixon Anthony, hatter, hosiery mfr. & tea dealer

Eubank Edward, governor of the workhouse and assistant overseer

Faraday Richard, auctioneer, Market place

Faraday Michl. Wool carder, and blanket mfr.

Fawcett Stephen, weaver

Grime Robert, tea dealer & subdistributor or stamps, Market place

Harrison Mrs. Catherine, Market place

Harrison Miss Elizabeth, Town head

Hewetson David, carrier

Hewetson Mr. Benjamin

Holden James, overlooker, silk factory

Horn Matthew, confectioner

Hunter Miss Isabella

Iveson Richard, clock and watch maker

Jackson Henry, solicitor

Jackson Mrs. Agnes

Jackson Rev. Thomas, A.M. curate of Kirkby-Stephen

Jefferson Thomas, corn and flour dealer

Kidd Wm. miner, Townhead

Kirkpatrick Mrs. Frances

Medcalf Thomas, baker, Townhead

Mills William, parish clerk, Mellbecks

Orton Reginald, gent.

Overby George, flour dealer & cart owner, Townhead

Pearson Miss Margaret

Pearson William, gentleman

Potter Thomas, tea dealer

Powson William, gentleman

Relton Robert, dyer

Rogerson Richard, tallow chandler

Sayer Joseph, slater, Town head

Scarborough Mrs. Mary

Scott Matthew, cart owner

Taylor Richard, cart owner

Thompson Joseph, gent. Townhead

Thompson John, plasterer

Thompson Richard, gent. Market place

Tetley Thomas, hat manufacturer, Market place

Torbock Mrs. Hannah, Town head

Wharton Joshua, Esq.

Whitelock Mrs. Margaret, Market place

Wilson John Henry, silk & cotton manufacturer; and Manchester

Wilson Mrs. Nancy

Workman Miss Mary


 Barwick John, Market place

Capper Mrs.

Dodd Thomas

Heslop Thomas, (Grammar)

Shaw Hannah



Abbotson John Whaley, Black Bull yard

Jackson & Hewitson, Market place

Margetson John, Silver st.


Armstrong Robert

Hamilton Christopher

Loadman Richard

Loadman Stephen

Maugham Jph. Mellbecks

Phillips John and Son, (and farriers)

Smith William

Whitehead Oliver, Sowerpow



Batty William, Market place

Davis Anthony, Market place



Armstrong George

Bell William, Mellbecks

Dodd William

Hodgson Christopher

M’Kenzie John

Sayer Edward

Sayer John

Sherrington Thomas

Slee Richard

Slee William, Market place



Brick Francis, Mellbecks

Bradley Anthony, Townhead

Hutton & Robinson, Hartley

Mason Thomas, Market pl.



Hall Joseph

Iveson Holme

Kendall Christopher

Richardson Richard, Crosby Garret

Rogerson John & Son

Rogerson Mary

Robinson William



Alderson John, Sowerpow

Bradley William, Townhead

Dickinson Thos., Townhead

Faraday Rd. Market place

Hodgson Joseph, Townhead



Blacklin Robert, High mill

Oversby John, Stenkrith mill



Day John

Horn Matthew



Thus * are Yeomen.

*Addison John

Bell Matthew, Townhead

Buntling John, Townhead

*Cleasby John

Close Jarvis, Enterber

Dixon James

Graham Thos. Low Gelbar

Hodgson Chpr. Townhead

Mason Richard, Busk

Medcalf Christopher

Moorhouse Wm. Townhead

*Moss Phoebe, Townhead

*Powley John Mellbecks

Steel Lancelot, Trainriggs

*Wharton Robert, Gelbar

Wilson Richard, Moorlands



Armstrong George

Blay Thomas, Market place

Davis Anthony (& druggist), Market place

Dixon John, Market place

Gibson Jonathan, Market place

Taylor Jonathan, Market place

Thornborrow Sarah

Tetley Thos. Market place



 Black Bull Inn, Thomas Hamilton

Black Swan, Mary Whitehead

Blue Bell, Jane Snowden

Board, Wm. Towns

Fleece, Ann Udale, Market place

Fountain, Thomas Howson

King’s Arms Inn, John Powley

New Inn, Isaac Bainbridge

Pack Horse, Wm. Taylor, Silver street

Red Lion, Enoch Walton

Sun, Margaret Dickinson, Market place

Three Tuns, Mary Ewbank

White Lion, Robert Nicholson

White Swan, Robt. Walker



Blay Thomas, Market place

Davis Anthony, Market place

Dixon John, Market place

Tetley Thomas, Market place.



Marked 1 are Joiners and Cabinet Makers; and 2, are Joiners and Wheelwrights

1 Atkinson Thomas

1 Close William

1 Fawcett John, Mellbecks

1 Jones John, Mellbecks

2 Hutchinson Thomas

2 Hutchinson John

2 Mars Walter

2 Oliver William



See Grocers also.

Grime Robert, Market place

Relton Robert

Sherrington John, and tobacconist

Slee Thos. Market place




Marked thus * are Straw Hat Makers

Robinson Mary, Market pl

Sherrington Mary

*Slee Agnes, Market place

Thompson Mary & Eliz. Market place



Bainbridge Isaac

Birkbeck Robt. Town head


Armstrong Thomas

Hastwell Michael

Walker Robt. Market place


Dodd John, Market place

Ewbank Saml. Market place

Return to Top


Braithwaite John

Harrison Thomas, Town head

Horsfield John, Sower pow

Steel Isaac




Brougham James, sen. Esq. Town head

Brougham James, jun. Esq. Stobars

Gill Thomas, Market place

Thompson Thomas

Wilson Thomas, Cloisters



Forsyth William

Guy Thomas

High James

Moffatt Daniel

Moffatt Wm. Town head

Smith James, Sower pow


Fawcett James

Rogerson John & Son




Bell George, Market place

McKenzie James


Blades Elizabeth, Townhead

Dickinson Wm. Town head

Lough Alice, Town head

Sayer Thomas

Snowden John, Town head

Woodward Hannah


Hutchinson William

Winter Robert


Lord Exmouth, from Lancaster to Newcastle, leaves the King’s Arms Inn for Lancaster, 3 o’clock afternoon, and for Newcastle, 10 o’clock morning




Appleby, Matthew Horn, Sat. dep. 5 mng.; arr. 6 evg.

Barnard Castle, John Sayer, Wed. dep. 6 mng.; arr. Thu. 7 evng. – Geo. Hastwell, Tues. dep. Midnight; arr. 8 Wed. evg. See Also Newcastle

Brough, Fleece, Jph. Nelson and Robert Stockdale, Mon. arr. 10 mng. Dep. 2 afternoon

Hawes, New Inn, William Routh, Mon. arr. 8 mng.; dep. 1 noon

Kendal, David Hewetson, John Barnes, and John Sayer, Mon. & Fri. dep. 2 mng.; arr. Tue. & Sat. 6 evening

Kirkby Lonsdale, see Sedburgh

Mallerstang, Pack Horse, Jas. Law, Mon. arr. 10 mng.; dep. 3 aft.

Manchester, Preston, and Chorley, Rd. Brunskill & George Hastwell, Tues. dep. 5 mng.; arr. Tues. 8 evening

Newcaster (through Barnard Castle) David Hewitson, Wed. dep. 4 mng.; arr. Mon. 4 afternoon

Orton & Kendal, Black Bull, Mark Willan, Mon. arr. 10 mng.; dep. 2 aft.

Ravenstonedale, Black Bull, Simon Alderson & Simon Thwaite, Mon. arr. 10 mng.; dep. 2 aft.

Sedburgh, Kirkby Lonsdale and Lancaster, Black Bull, Geo. Taylor and Leonard Chapman, Mon. arr. 2 mng.; dep. 12 noon.


Bradley Orton, Esq. surgeon to the Westmorland militia, Eden place

Chaplow Thos. corn miller

Clark Joseph, corn miller, Low mill

Dickinson Thomas and Co. Lead & copper mine

Hamilton Thomas, joiner

Hewitson Middleton, solicitor, Hartley lodge

Hutton & Robinson, brewers and maltsters

Hutton John, brewer

Kitching David, R.N.

Robinson Thomas, gent.

Sleddall Mrs. Mary

Wilkinson Mrs. Margaret


Thus * are Yeomen.

Green Jonathan, Costgarth

*Harker William

Harrison John, Hartley fold

*Hindmoore Joseph

Johnson Thomas

*Kirkpatrick Thos. Whingill

Robinson William, Hartley castle

*Rudd Philip

Waller Robert

Wilkinson William



*.* Those marked 1, reside at Higher Scales; and 2, at Rookby

Dickinson Isabella, grocer

Heelis, Rev. Edw. Duckentree and Dufton

Hewert Robert, shoemaker

Holliday Chpr. Vict. Robin Hood and Little John

Hutchinson Richard, vict. Cross Keys

Hutchinson Wm. Grocer

Nicholson Wm. Blacksmith

Swale James, schoolmaster




Thus * are Yeomen.

Abram Thomas, Starrow

Allan Stephen, Robridding

2* Bousfield Robert

*Carter Robert

*Cleasby Thos. Stockgill

1 Close William

*Dawson John

*Dent John

2* Ellwood John

1 Faint Joseph

*Harrison John

*Hutchinson Lancelot

1 Kerton Christopher

*Morland Michael, Redgate

1 Moss John

2 Pattinson John

*Pearson Margaret

Robinson Thomas, Duckentree

2 Simpson Henry

Waugh Elizabeth



Those marked 1, reside at Castlethwaite; 2, at Hanging Lund; 3, at helgill; 4, at Outhgill; 5, at Shortgill; & 6, at Southwaite

4 Brenkley John, blacksmith

? Fawcett Rev. John, assistant curate of Mallerstang, and schoolmaster

Grainger John, Croanberry hill

4 Law James, grocer

4 Thompson Richard, vict. King’s Head



Thus * are Yeomen.

Atkinson Jas. Blue grass

Atkinson John, High house

Atkinson Robert, Mirkgill

*Blades John, Newhouse

Blades Wm. Cumpston hill

1 Brunskill Joshua

Cleasby Edward, Inghill

Cleasby Wm. Ing end

Davis Thomas, Holmgill

1 Ellwood Mark

5 Fothergill James

6 Fothergill John

*Fothergill John, Birkrigg

Fothergill John, Sycamore trees

6 Fothergill William

4 Garthwaite John

Gibson Anthony, Deepgill

1 Grisdale Christopher

2 Harrison Richard

2 *Harrison Philip

5 *Hodgson George

6 Hutchinson Adam

Hutchinson Adam, Cocklake

*Hutchinson Mary, Moor-rigg

1 *Hutchinson Lancelot

4 *Hutchinson Robert

Jackson Jams, Aisgill

King Wm. Angerholm

*Medcalf Edward, Intake

Medcalf Wm. Little Ing

1 *Medcalf Joseph

Middleton James, Hall hill

2 Nicholson Thomas

Pearson John, Sandpot

3 Rawe Francis

5 Robinson Henry

Thompson Thos. Hazlegill

Tunstall John, Hazelgill




To Appleby, James Law, Outhgill, Sat. dep. 3 mng.; arr. 8 evng.

To Hawes, James Law and John Grainger, Tue. dep. 5 mng.; arr. Evng.

To Kirkby-Stephen, James Law and John Grainger, Mon. dep. 8 mng.; arr. 8 evng.


Cowperthwaite Thos. joiner and wheelwright

Fothergill Richard, butter dealer & carrier to Hawes

Relton Elizabeth, vict. Black Bull

Relton Wm. Wheelwright & joiner

Rogerson John, schoolmaster




Thus * are Yeomen.

Allan Anthony

*Allan William

Birtle Edward, Thringale

Dixon Christopher

*Dixon Richard

Dixon Anthony, Riding house

*Fothergill Catharine

Fothergill Thomas

*Fothergill Michael

*Hastwell Dorothy

*Raickstraw Thomas

*Robinson Matthew

*Robinson Thomas

Robinson John

Shaw Brian

Slee William



Brunskill Thomas, master of Waitby Grammar school

Clark Robert, corn miller



Brunskill John

Hird John, Smardale hall

Lamb John, Leases

Pearson James



Armstrong Joseph, butcher & vict. Black Bull

Aikine John, wheelwright

Bainbridge Mrs. Isabella

Balmer Wm. Blacksmith & grocer

Cooper Thomas, corn miller

Dixon Mrs. Ann

Henderson George, grocer

Henderson Joseph, blacksmith

Hutchinson Rev. Stephen, assistant curate

Hutton Robert, vict. Cross Keys

Hutton Thomas, maltster, Bonnygate

Longstaff Mrs. Ann

Morland Thomas, schoolmaster

Railton John, gentleman, Folly

Richardson James, shoemkr.

Robinson Mrs. Mary

Sanderson James, tailor

Sowerby Edward, butcher

Winter Thos. wheelwright & mason



Thus * are Yeomen.

Allan John, Stockbar

Atkinson James

Atkinson James, Hayber

*Atkinson Thomas

*Atkinson Thomas

Atkinson William

*Bainbridge George

*Bainbridge John

Bird William & Isaac, Low hill

*Bousfield James

*Bousfield Michael

Brown Christopher

*Dent John, Tewthwaite hill

*Ellwood John

*Gibson Robert

*Harrison William

Hetherington Joseph, Stockbar

*Hutton Thos. Bonnygate

Kendall John

Kersey Joseph

Longstaff James

Longstaff Robert and John, Savage folly

Longstaff Robert

*Longstaff John

*Parker William

*Robinson William

Slee Wm. Syke side

Taylor Jonathan, Grasshill lodge

*Tebay John

*Wright Thos. Sandriggs



Baker John

Carrick John

Harrison Eleanor

Hutchinson Michael

Medcalf James

Raine James

Taylor William, Stripes

Winter George, Riddleside




Coates Edmund, Bullgill

Dixon Thomas, Moor end

Fothergill John, Moor end

Petty Matthew, Easgill head

Rawe Thos. Furrow green

Rennison James, Crook

Robinson Jane, Windy hill

Robson John, Wharton hall

Wilson Edward, Low house


Adamthwaite Rev. John, D.D. boarding academy, Manor house

Benson John, grocer

Blacklin Margaret, vict. Bay Horse

Butterwith John, master of the Free school

Cowman Benjamin, grocer

Cruden William, gentleman, Winton hall

Dixon John, corn miller

Hunter Henry, vict. Greyhound

Hutchinson James, wheelwright & joiner

Hutchinson Thomas, wheelwright & joiner

Hutchinson Robert, cooper

Lawson George, shoemaker

Longstaff John, shoemaker

Pattinson Thomas, clock & watchmaker, Beck foot

Robinson Matthew, gentleman, Skelses

Sawer George, blacksmith

Thompson Mr. Thomas



Thus * are Yeomen.

Abram John, Load Ing

Atkinson Henry, Winton field

Atkinson Matthew

*Atkinson William

*Barnett Thomas

Binks George

Burrell Richard

Campbell George

Coates James

*Ebdel John

Gill Margaret, Rookby start

Gill William, Beckfoot

Harker William, Winton hall

*Hewgill Robert

Hogarth John

*Hutchinson Mary

Maugham William

Pearson Peter

Robinson Matthew, Skelses

*Wilson Nicholas




To Appleby, John Benson, Saturday, departs 4 morning, arrives 8 evening

To Hawes, John Benson, Tuesday, departs 4 morning, arrives 10 night

EDENLINKS Hosted by CumbriaFHS
acknowlegements to Les Strong