Askham Parish Registers



The seconde day of Aprill was (torn).

The xxiijth of Aprill was Cr.------ SANDFORTH buried.

The xxx of Aprill was John HOLME buried.


The xix of June was Jane COLLINSONNE christened.


The vth of Julie was Annas TINKLER Christened.

  1. Thomas JAMESON.


The xviijth of Auguste was Willm BOWMAN and Margret LANCASTER maryed.


The eight of September was Willm DENNYSONNE and Jane DIXSONNE wededt.

The sayd day was John LOWES sonne christened.


The xij of October was Thomas JOHNSONNE buryed.


The xxiijt- of November was Willyam (torn) and Jane COLLINSONNE maryed.

The seventh of November (torn)-------PORTER and Anne SANDF (torn).


The vth of December was Elizabeth (torn).

The sixth of December was John -------sonne of John HOLME-----.

The seventhtenth off December -- Henrye JAMESON sonne of John christened.

January, 1567.

The seconde of January was Grace daughter of Willyam JAMESONNE------.

The xv of January was John son off Thomas JAMESON christened.

The xxth of January was Jane (torn).

The twenty seventh -------Annas LANGHORNE----------.


The tenth day of Februarye was Thomas and Annas JACKSONNE maryed.

The xxist of Februarye was William BOWMANNE sonne of William BOWMANNE christened.


The eight day was Thomas MUNCEY son off Thomas MUNCEY christened.

The xvij of March was Margat HODGESHON buried.

The xxiij of March was Allace COLLINSON buryed.

The sayd day was Annas COLLINSONNE christened.


The thirde of aprill was Margret WILKENSON daughter of Willm WILKENSONNE christened.

The xij of Aprill was John JAMESONNE buryed.

The xxvj of Aprill was Wm BOWMAN buryed.


The xvijth of Maye was Janne JOHNSONNE daughter of Thomas JOHNSON buryed. 


Thomas SANDFOORDE sonne of Thomas SANDFOORDE esquier was borne the sixte day of June, 1567.

The vij day of June was John COLLINSONNE sonne of ------COLLINSONNE christened.

The xxij of June was Annas TINKLER daughter of John TINKLER christened.

The xxix of June was Thomas JAMESONNE sonne of Willm JAMESONNE christened.


The fiftenth day of Julye was Janet HOGERT christened.

The xx of July was John CLERKE sonne of Henrye CLERKE christened.


The fifteenth day of August was Anne JAMESONNE daughter of John JAMESONNE christened.

The ------was Michell LANGHORNE and -----sonne maryed.

-------was Thomas MABSON (?) and -------- ----------TYE maryed.

October, 1567.

The fifth day of October was John PEARSON and Mabell JAMESONNE maryed.

The xxj day of October was John CLERKE buryed.


The first day of November was Edmund LAWE son of Edmund LAWE christened.

The second day of November was Henry JUDSONNE and Jane SMITHE maryed.

The sevententh day of November was Henry DENNY and Elizabeth LANGHORNE maryed.

The xxviijth of November was Richard SALKELD sonne of Willm SALKELD christened.


The second day of December was Thomas (torn) and Wilyam JUDSONNE christened.

The xvjth of December was Anne JAMESONNE daughter of Thomas JAMESONNE christened.

The xxiiijth of December was Tho. JAMESONNE (torn).

Januarye, 1568.

The seventh of twentye of January was Edmunde SMITH buried.


The iiijth of februarye was Tho COWPER buried.


The seconde of Marche was Anne MYDDLETONNE daughter of Mr John MYDDLETONNE christened.

The sixt of Marche was Jane PATTISONNE daughter of John PATTISONNE christened.

The xxiiijth of March was John SMITHE buried.

Aprill, 1568.

The ix of Aprill was Francis KENDALL christened.

The xx of Aprill was Janet SMITHE buried.


The seconde of May was Anne BOWMANNE christened.

The sayd day was Janet WILKENSONNE buryed.

The last day of May was Anne PEARSONNE (torn).


The ix day of June was Willm JUDSONNE buryed.

The xjth day of June was John NOBLE (torn).

The seventhtenthe day of June was Jane JAMESON daughter of James TOMSONNE christened.


The twenty third of July was Thomas SMITHE and Mabell SMITH maryed.


The eleventhe day of Auguste was John WATTER and Janet HOLME maryed.


The fifte daye was Ricd LANGHORNE christened.

The sixt daye was Anne PEARSONNE buryed.

The viijth daye was Richard COLLINSON christened.

The tenth daye was Margret CLEARKE christened.

The xxjth daye was Henry BEWSHER christened.

The xxiiijth was Richard WILKENSONNE christened.


The xxiiijth was Thomas KENDALL and Jane COLLINSONNE maryed.

The xxviij was Jane SMITHE buryed.

The xxixth daye was Robert DENNISONNE buryed.


The tenth daye was Willm DENNYE christened.

The xvijth day was George SMITHE buryed.


The xxjst of Januarye was Isabel WILKENSONNE buryed.


The xxij of Februarye was John JUDSONNE christened.

The xxiiijth of Februarye was Janet SMITHE christened.


The twentye do March was Esabell TOMSONNE buryed.

  1. Maye.

The seconde daye was Mabell TINKLER christened.

The third daye was Thomas JAMESON christened.


The viij daye was Grace COLLINSON christened.

The xijth daye was John COLLINSON and (torn) WILLSONNE maryed.

The xix daye was Michaell STELYNNE and Mabell WATTER maryed.

The xxvijth daye was John COLLINSONNE and Jane COLLINSONNE maryed.


The xxiiijth daye was Isabell LANGHORNE christened.

The tenthe daye was Mabell COLLINSONNE christened.

The xx daye was Thomas PEARSON christened.

The xxix daye was John WILKENSONNE christened.


The xvjth daye was Thomas WATTER christened.

The xxiiijth daye was Henry SMITHE buryed.

The xxvjth daye was John DIXSONNE christened.


The fift daye was Anne SANDFORTH christened.

The tenth day was Hewe COLLINSON buryed.


The sixt daye was Annas WILKENSON daughter of Willm WILKENSONNE christened.

The tenth daye was Leonard MUNCEY christened.

The xiij daye was Mary COLLINSONNE christened.


The xixth day was Anne COLLINSON christened.

The xviij day was Mabell COLLINSONNE buryed.

The xxiij day was John LANGHORNE buryed.


The xij day was Thomas JAMESON christened.

The xiij day off Februarye was Thomas MYDDLETONNE chrystened.

The xiiij day was Mabell JOHNSONNE christened.

The xvj was Anne KENDALL christened.

1570. Marche.

The xxvijth day of Marche was Francis SALKELD christened.


The eight day of Aprill was Jane KENDALL buryed.

The xxiijth day was Janet COLLINSONNE buryed.


The xij day was John STELYE christened.


The seconde of Julye was Mabell LANGHORNE buryed.


The fourth day of Auguste was John COLLINSONE buryed.

The sayd day was Dorytie HOGGART christened.

The eight day was Hew JAMESONNE christened.

The xijth day was Steven WRAY and Jane SALKELD maryed.

The xxiiij day was John KENDALL and Margaret WEDDERELL maryed.


The tenthe day was John SMITHE sonne of Martin SMITHE christened.

The xxvjt day was Annas NOBLE christened.


The tenthe day was Henrye GIBSONNE christened.

The xix day of November was Thomas KENDALL and Annas COWPER, Thomas DIXONNE and Grace BEWSHER maryed.

The xxvt- day was Thomas JOHNSTON son of Thomas JOHNSTON christened.


The xxth of December was John BEWSHER buryed.


The fourth of January was Edmund LAW buryed.

The xxth of Jany was Willm DIXSONNE buryed.

The xxiiij of January was Mabell JAMESONNE buryed.


The seconde day of Marche was Thomas THOMPSONNE christened.

The xxth day of March was Gillian LAW chrst.


The first of Aprill was Thomas SMITHE christened.


The vij day was Margret WILKENSON buried.


The xvij of June was Steven BOWSFEILD and Esabelle STELYE maryed.

The xxiiijt day of June was Anthoni CLEARK and Jane HEWSONNE maryed.


The first day was Elizabeth JUDSONNE buryed.

The sayd day was Mabell TINKLER chrystened.

The xxvj day was Elizabeth LOWYS buryed.


The xvijth day was Thomas MIDDLETONNE Buryed.

The xxiiij day was Annas NOBLE buryed.


The seconde of September was Michell WATTr christened.

The sayd day was Thomas KENDALL christened.

The xxjt- day was Maryane PEARSONNE christened.


The xiiijth day of October was Annas COLLINSON christened.

The xix of Octo was Elin MUNCEYE buried.

The xxiiijth of October was Annas JACKSONNE buried.

The xxviijth day was John CLEARKE christened.


The xiijth of Januarye was Thomas BOWMAN christened.


The xiijth of feby was John LANGHORNE christened.


The first of March was Annas KENDALL buryed.

The seconde day was Annas JAMESON christened.

The iiijth of March was Roland HOLME buryed.

1572. Aprill.

The tenth day of Aprill was Hew. COLLINSONNE sone of Michaell COLLINSONNE christened.

The xiij day of Aprill was Thomas LANGHORNE sonne of Willm LANGHORNE christened.


The xvth day was Thomas STELYE christened.

The xxiij day of May was Annas NOBLE christened.


The xvth day was Richard PATTISONNE and Annas WILSONNE maryed.


The iijd of August was John SMITHE and Maryane SMITHE maryed.

The tenth of August was Patrik HODGSON and Isabell DIXSONNE maryed.

The same day was Anne JUDSON daughter of Henry JUDSON christened.

The xix day was Dorytie COLLINSONNE christened.


The tenth of September was John LOWIS and Margret NOBLE maryed.

The xxth day of September was Michaell JONE and Elizabeth TINKLER maryed.


The fifth day of October was Annas DIXON christened.

The xx of October was Robert NOBLE and Kate GIBSONNE maryed.


The xxvij was Henrye WILKINSONNE and Elizabeth JAMESONNE wedt.

The xxiiijth day was Thomas CLEARK sonne of Anthony CLEARK christened.

The twenty ffive day was Annas NOBLE buryed.

The twenty seventh day of November was Margaret JAMESON buryed.

The twenty eight day was Elizabeth JAMESONNE christened.


The xiiijth day of January was John TINKLER and Margaret TOWERS maryed.

The sixth day of January was Thomas COLLINSONNE and Margrett HOLME maryed.

The xxixth day was Willm ABBAYE buryed.

The xxx day of January was Henry TINKLER wiffe buryed.


The ffirst of Marche was Doritie COLLINSON buried.

The sayd day was Willm JOHNSONNE christened.

The same day was Anne JAMESONNE christened.

The same day was Leonard SMITHE sonne of Willm SMITHE christened.

  1. Aprill.
  2. The xxj day of Aprill was Edward LANGHORNE buried.

    The xxiiijt of Aprill was Esbell HUTTONNE buryed.

    The xxx to Aprill was Florence SMITHE buryed.


    The seventhteenth day of May was Michaell TINKLER christened and Annas LOWIS.


    The sixth of June was Doritie LANGHORNE christened.

    The fourteenth day of June was John ROBINSONNE and Annas DINSDELL maried.

    The xxj of June was Xtofer WILKENSON christened.

    The xxvjt of June was John SMITHE and Janet WILKENSONNE maryed.


    The first of Auguste was Henry COLLINSONNE buried.

    The second day of Auguste was Robert COLLINSONNE and Mabell LANGHORNE maryed.

    The same day was Thomas KENDALL and Janet COWPER maryed.

    The xxij of August was Mabell BOWSHER christened.


    The xx of September was Annas SMITHE christened.


    The eight of December was Sir John AYRAY vicar of Askam buryed.

    Sic vita vacat.

    The entry off John SIMPSON vicar off Ascame begonne the xxist day of Marche Anno Dom 1574 and in the sixteenth year of our sovreign Lady Elizabeth.

  3. Marche.

The xxv day of Marche was Thomas MUNCEY buryed.


The tenth day of Aprill was Annas JOHNSONNE buried.

The xiijth day was Mathew JAMESONNE buried.

The xv day was Margaret ABBAY weddowe buried.


The first day was Thomas KENDALL sonne of Tho. KENDALL chrystened.

The seconde day was Thomas JAMESONNE sonne of Thomas JAMESONNE buryed.

The xxth day was Janet SMITHE the wife of Willm SMITH buried.


The sixth day was Richarde sonne of Edmunde SANDFOORDE christened.

The same day was Agnes daughter of John SMITHE christened.

The xxiiij day of June was Thomas WILKENSONNE and Janet SMITHE maryed.


The fourth day was Henrye TINKLER and Margret ROBINSONNE maryed.

The sixt day was Mr Thomas SANDFOORD Esquier buryed.

The xiijth day was Willm BEWSHER and Mgret STELYE maryed.

The xxvjth day was John WEDDERELT and Agnes BEWSHER maryed.


The xxiijt day was Mgret JOHNSON christened.


The fifth day was Thomas the sonne of John MUNCEY christened.

The xij day was Thomas the sonne of Robert MUNCEY christened.

The same daye was Mabell the daughter of Michael COLLINSONNE christened.

The xix was Janet the daughter of Thomas WILKENSONNE christened.

The xxvth day was Willm COLLINSONNE sonne of Roberte COLLINSONNE christened.

The same day was Anne ABBAY the daughter of John ABBAYE christened.


The seconde day of October was Thomas JOHNSONNE buryed.

The twenty eight daye was Margaret the daughter of Thomas STAFFORD christened.

The laste day was Margrette the daughter of Willm JUDSONNE christened.


The xijth day was Thomas COLLINSONNE buried.

The xiij day was Esabelle COLLINSONNE buried.

The xxiiijt daye was doritie the wife of Edmund SANFORDE buryed.


The sixtenth day was Elizabeth the daughter of John TINKLER christened.

The xxiiij day was Thomas JOHNSON buryed.


The third day was Henrye DICSONNE buryed.

The xxiiij daye was John the sonne of Thomas JAMESONNE buryed.

The xxvij day was Henry JUDSONNE buryed.


The first daye of Marche was Elizabeth STELYE weddowe buryed.

The eleventh daye was Grace the daughter of Willyam BOWMANNE christened.

The xx day was Janet the daughter of Thomas JAMESONNE christened.

1575. Aprill

The xxvijth of Aprill was John TINKLER of the Yate buryed.

The third of Aprill was John SMITHE ye sonne of Thomas SMITHE christened.

The fourth of Aprill was John the sonne of John WEDDERELL christened.

The seventh and twenty was Janet DICSONNE buryed.

The twentye eight was Mabell the wife of Hewghe COLLINSONNE buryed.


The first of May was Willyam LANGHORNE sonne of Willyame LANGHORNE christened.

The sayd day was Margret DIXONE daughter of Thomas DIXON christened.

The twelt daye was Mabell COLLINSONNE the daughter of John COLLINSONNE christened.


The third day was Thomas TINKLER buryed.

The seventhtenthe day was Margaret HOLME buryed.


The twenty fourth day was Bridget HUDDELSTONNE the daughter of Mr Andrew HUDDLESTONNE esquier christened.

The twenty seventh day was Elizabeth LANGHORNE buryed.


The eight day of September was William COWPER buryed.

The eleventh day of September was Thomas the son of John LOWISE christened.

The xxjst day of September was Annas the daughter of Willm SALKELD christened.


The xxvijth day was Julyane DIXONNE the daughter of Thomas DIXSONNE christened.


The fourth day of December was Robert MUNCEY sonne Thomas buryed.

The eight day of December was Annas COP buryed.

The eleventhe day of December was Heweghe COLLINSONNE buryed.

The eightenth was Thomas ye sonne of Thomas NOBLE buryed.


The tenthe day of January was Mr John MYDDELTONNE and Mistresse Anne SANDFORTH wedded.

The fifteenth day of January was John the sonne of Wm. BEWSHER christened.

The xxjst day of January was Janet JAMESONNE buryed.

The xxixth day of January was Jane the daughter of Henrye CLEARKE christened.

The seventhtenth day of Jary was Janet the daughter of a woman who lay at John DAW’S.


The xiij day of February was Mrgret JAMESONNE daughter of William JAMESONNE christened.

The fiftenthe day of Februarye was Thomas COLLINSONNE buryed.

The xxij day of Februarye was Margaret DIXSONNE daughter of E. DIXSONNE buryed.

The twentye seventhe daye was Agnes daughter of Roger GIBSONNE christened.


The fourthe day of Marche was John CLEARKE sonne of Anthony CLERK christened.

The sixtenthe daye of March was Edward SMITHE buryed.

  1. Aprill.

The twentye day of Aprill was John WEDDERELL son of John WEDDERELL buryed.

The fiftenthe day of Aprill was Grace KENDALL daughter of Thomas KENDALL elder christened.

The xvj day of Aprill was John BEWSHER sonne of Willm BEWSHER buryed.

The twentye sixte day of Aprill was Hewghe LAMBERT Buryed.


The laste day of May was Esabell LAMBERT daughter of Xxtofor LAMBERTE buryed.


The fifte day of June was Maryane SMITHE weddowe buryed.

The twenty seventhe day of June was Agnes ABBAY dowghter of John ABBAYE buryed.


The eight day of Julye was Janet the dowghter of John SMITHE buryed.

The twentye day was Elizabeth SMITHE weddowe buryed.


The fifte day was Humfrey LANGRIGGE and Elixabeth RITSONNE weddyd.

The same day was Elizabeth COLLINSONNE weddowe buryed.

The xij daye was John the sonne of John SMITHE christened.

The xxiiij was John the sonne of Anthony CLARK buryed.


The ix was Anne the daughter of John COLLINSONNE christened.

The xvj was Anthonye PEARSONNE buryed.

The xvj was Mathew son of Thomas JAMESONNE christened.

The xxvjth was Isabell COLLINSON widow buryed.


The xiiijth was Edmund NOWBYLL and Margaret COLLINSON wedded.

The xxj was Mabell the daughter of Henry TYNCLER christened.


The iiijth was Edward the son of Robert COLLINSON christened.

The xith was Rycd BRAYDLEY and Dorithye COLLINSON wedded.


The xxvth was Agnes the daughter of Robert MUSEY christened.


The xijth was Margart the daughter of John JAMESON chrystened.

The xxvij was Grace the daughter of Wyllm BUSHER chrystened.

The same day was Issabell daughter of Edmund NOWBYLL chrystened.


The xth was Wyllm DENYSON and Jane JUDSON wedow weddyd.

The xxiiijth was Thos the sonne of Wyllm WYLKYNSON chrystened.


The third was Jane the daughter of Michael LANGHORNE chrystened.

The viij was Thomas MUSEY buryed.

The xvij was Brydgyt the daughter of John TYNCLER chrystened.

The xxiiijth was Rychard the son of Michael COLLINSON chrystened.

The same day was Mabell COLLINSON buryed.

The xxv was John son of John PEARSON xtended.

Anni D’ni 1577

The xxvjth was John the sonne of Thomas STAFFYRD chrystened (buryed).


The viijth was Georg the son of John HOLME chrystened.

The ix was Grace the daughter of Thomas DICSON chrystened.

The xxjth was John the son of Thos JAMESON chrystened.


The xxiij was Elizabeth ABBAY buryed.

The same day was Jane the daughter of John ABBAY chrystened.

The xxvth was the same Jane buryed.

The xix was Janat the daughter of Wyllm JUDSON chrystened.

The xxjth was John COLLINSON buryed.


The second day Elizabeth the daughter of John WEDDRALT Junr chrystened.

The same day was Thomas SCOT buryed.

The xxij was Elizabeth MUSEY buryed.

The xxiij was Henry the son to Thos WYLKINSON junr chrystened


The vijth was Thomas LAWE buryed.

The xxvijth was Bart BOWMAN and Mararet COLLINSON weddyd.


The vjthas Elizabeth COLLINSON buryed.

The xi was Anne ye daughter of Anthony CLARKE chrystened.

The same was Jane CLARK buryed.

The xvth was Elizabeth WEDDRELT buryed.

The xxiij was Wyllm COLLINSON and Mabell SANDFORTH weddyd.


The fyrst was Hewgh the son of Thos BUSHER chrystened.

The five was Margaret the daughter of Wyllm DENNESON chrystened.

The xxix was Mabell the daughter of Wyllm SMYTH chrystened the last of October buryed.


The xxvijth was Elizabeth the daughter of John LOWYSHE christened.


The xjth was Agnes KENDALL buryed.


The xij was Alas COLLINSON buryed.

The xvth was Henry WILKINSON buryed (who bequythed v marks to be letten out yearly to the power at viijd a month and the increase to be given to the power yearlye.

The xxx was Anthony CLARKE and Mabell LANGHORNE wedded.


7 day was Martin SANDERSON and Elizabeth LAWE weddyd.

Same day was Geo LAMBERT and Jane WILKINSON weddyd.

The ix was Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas NOWBYLL christened.

The xvjth was Thomas the sonne of Thos STAFFERD christened.

1578 March. Aprill

The first day was Brydget TYNCLER buryed.

The xiiij was Thomas SAVIGE and Janet CLARK weddyd.

The xxvth was Henrye the son of Willm SALKELD christened.


The fyrst was Ambros HUCHATSON of Crosbyeravenswth Buryed.

The xiijth was Wyllm BUSHER Buryed.


The xviijth was Elizabeth the daughter of Wyllm COLLINSON christened.

The xviij was Doritye the wife of John COLLINSON buryed.

The xxixth was John the son of John COLLINSON chrystened.


The vj was John ABBAYE and Elieonor TYNCLER weddyd.

22 was Wyllm SMYTH of Hilton buryed.

The xviij of August was Thos COWPER and Marye LANGHORNE weddyd.


The ix was Agnes CLARK buryed.

The xiiijth was edwd BROWE and Elizabeth LANGHORNE weddyd.

The same day was Mabell the daughter of John TYNCLER chrystened.

The xxj was Rycd the son of Thos JAMESON chrystened.

The xxiiijth was Chrystofor LAMBERT Buryed.

----------was John the son of Thomas KENDALL chrystened.


----------was Agnes the daughter of John MUCEY christened.

----------was Thomas the son of John SYMTH chrystened.


The ixth was Mabell the wife of Thos JOHNSON buryed.

The xvjth was John the son of John COLLISON chrystend and buryed.


The xiiijth was Roger GYBSON buryed.

The xviij was John KENDALL Buryed.

The xxvth was John the son of Edmund NOBYLL chrystened.


The seconde was Mabel NOWBYLL buryed.

The xj was Leonard the son of Wyllm JAMESON chrystened.

The xixth was Janet LAMBERT wedow buryed.


First was Rychard the son of Robert COLLINSON chrystened.

The viijth was Edward COLLINSON and Elizabeth STELYE weddyd.

The xxiiijth was Janet TYNCLER wedow buryed.


The vjt was Henrye COLLINSON buryed.

The viij was Elizabeth the daughter of Henry CLARK Chrystened.

1579. Aprill.

The iiijth Angnes PATTISON Buryed.

The xij was Wyllm the sonne of Thomas COWPER christened.

The same was Alas HOGGARDE wyfe of Hewgh buryed.

The xviijth was Elizabeth CLARK daughter of Henrye Buryed.

The xixthas John the son of Wyllm BOWMA christened.

Easter day.

The xxth was An the daughter of Edmund TYNCLER chrystened.

The xxix daye was Katheren the wyffe of xxofor THOMSON (?).


The fifth was Margaret LANGHORNE wedow Buryed.

The xiijth was Thomas JOHNSON buryed.

The xxvjth was John the sonne of Thomas JAMESON buryed.


The viij was Julian the daughter of Thos DICSON buryed.

The xxviijth was Elizabeth the daughter of John SMYTH chrystened.

Domini Johannes SYMPSON.


The xiiijth was Eleoner WEDDRALT Buryed.

Generall Chapr 5.

The xviij was John the son of John JAMESON Buryed.

The xixth was Martin the son to xxofor LAMBERT buryed.

The xxvijth was Janat the wyfe of Robert WYNTER of Slegyll Buryed.


The xxixth was Rycd PATTINSON and Janat JOHNSON weddyd.


The xviijth was Dorithye TYNCLER buryed.

The same day was John the son of Henry COLLINSON chrystened.

The xixth was Thomas DICSON Buryed.

The xxviijth was Symond the son of John LAMBERT chrystened.


The second was John the son of John ABBAY christened and buryed.

The xix was Janat the daughter of Thos DICSON buryed.

The xxj was Thomas LAMBERT buryed.


v was Thomas JACKSON and Mabell NOWBYLL weddyd.

-----------was Edmund the son of John PEARSON chrystened.

-----------was Janet the daughter of Thos JAMESON chrystened.

-----------was Elizabeth the daughter of John COLLINSON chrystened.

January, 1580

The xvijth was Thos SMYTH the son of John Buryed.

The xxiiijth was Margaret the daughter of Thos WYLKINSON Chrystened.


The xxvth was An the daughter of Thos KENDALL Chrystened.


The xith was Margaret the daughter of Thos WYLKINSON Buryed.

The xiij was John the son of Michell COLLISON Chrystened.

The same was An the daughter of Thos SMYTH Chrystened.

March, 1580

The xxvijth was An the daughter of Wyllm BUSHER Chrystened.

The same day was Hewgh the sonne of Wyllm LANGHORN Chrystened.

The xxx was Michaell COLLYNSON buryed.


The fyrst was Eleanor the daughter of John TYNCLER Chrystened.

The vijth was Annas COLLINSON Buryed.

The xxijth was Martyne SMYTH Buryed.


The first day was John the sonne of John LOWYSH Chrystened.

8 was Mabell ye daughter of Wyllm SALKELD chrystened.


The xijth was Mabell the dowghter of Thos DYCSON Chrystened.

The xxviij was Hewgh HOGGARD and Janat SMYTH weddyd.

Generall chap 13 Julye.


The x was George the son of Wyllm JOHNSTON Chrystened.

The xvijth was Anne the daughter of Thos BUSHER Chrystened.


The xvth was Agnes LANCASTr widow Buryed.

The xxiijth was Wyllm KENDALL Buryed.

The xxxtth was Richd THRELKELD gent and Anne MYDLETON weddyd.

The xxiiijth was Mabell the daughter of Thos JAMESON Chrystened.


4 was John TODE and Jane LANGH0RNE weddyd.

11 was Robert COLLYNSON youngr Buryed.


The 6 was John TYNCLER and Dorythy BUSHER weddyd.

The xxth was Peter WYLKINSON and Mabell WEDDRALT weddyd.

The xxjth was Elyonar the daughter of Wyllm HUDSON of Bampt buryed.

The xxvij was Henry DICSON and Agnes SMYTH weddyd.

The same was Henry the son of Michell LANGHORNE Chrystened.


The xxj was Thomas the son of John ABBAY Chrystened.

The xxvth was An the daughter of John COLLINSON of Gilt chrystened.

The xxviijth was Wyllm MUSEY buryed.

January, 1581

xxxth was Michall the son of Bart COLLINGSON chrystened.


The ixth was John the son of Michaell COLLINSON buryed.

The xixth was Margaret the daughter of Thos COWPER Chrystened.

The xxiiijth was Issabell KENDALL widow buryed.

The xxx was Wyllm ALLENSON and Janat COLLINSON weddyd.

March, 1581


The xvjth was Wyllm the sonne of Wyllm DICSON chrystened.


The iijth was Thomas the sonne of Henry COLLINSON Chrystened.


The iijth was Wyllm DYCSON son of Wyllm buryed.

The xjth was John ths son of Thos STAFFYRD chrystened.

The xviijth was Thos ATKINSON and Dortythy WEDDRALT weddyd.

Generall Chapter.


Xxvijth was Michell the son of Bart. COLLINSON buryed.

The last was Margaret RYCHARDSON buryed.


The vijth was Henry the son of Michaell LANGHORNE buryed.

The xth was Leonard the son of Thos KENDALL Chrystenyd.

The xvijth was Jane the daughter of John SMITH Chrystenyd.


The xvijth was Jane the daughter of Edmund TYNCLER Chrystened.


The xvijth was Thomas the sonne of Wyllm COLLINSON Chrystened.

The xxvth was Edmund the son of Thos NOWBYLL Chrystenyd..


The xxiijth was Jane the daughter of John HOLME Chrystenyd.


The xviijth was Agnes the daughter of Thos WILKINSON Chrystenyd.

March, 1582

The xviijth was Jane the daughter of Hewgh EDMUDSON Chrystenyd.


The 16 being Easter Monday was Anne the daughter of Gibart SYMSON Chrystened (died on 2nd June 1598).


The first was Edmund the son of John TYNCLER chrystened.


The xth was Anne the daughter of John GRAME of Allendale chrystened.

The same day was Agnes the wyfe of Wyllm JOHNSON buryed.


The xvijth was Edmund BRADLEY gent and Jane MIDLETON weddyd.

Generall chap.


The xijth was Edmund TYNCLER son of John buryed.


The xvijth was Janet the daughter of John LAMBERT chrystenyd.

The xxixth was Michael the son of Wyllm BOWMA chrystenyd.


The second was Janat the daughter of John COLLINSON chrystenyd and buryed.

The thyrd was Thomas the son of Anthony RAYLTON chrystenyd.

Vjth was Lusye the daughter of Matthew COWP buryed.

The xxj was John the son of Michell LANGHORNE Chrystenyd.


The xiiijth was Margaret JOHNSON buryed.

The last was Jane the daughter of Wyllm SALKELD Chrystenyd.


The first was John the son of Wyllm BUSHER Chrystenyd.

The ix was John the son of John TYNCLER of Yat Christenyd and Buryed.

The xxj was Agnes DAWSON buryed.

The xxviijth was Elizabeth the daughter supposed of Thos GRAME chrystened.


The xiijth was Mabell the daughter of Henry TYNCLER Chrystenyd.

Same was Mabell the daughter of Thos SMYTH chrystenyd.


vijth was Margaret the wife of John WEDDRALT buryed.


The thyrd was Rychd the sonne of Henry COLLINSON Chrystenyd.

May, 1583.

The xvjth was Grace the wife of Thos LANGHORNE buryed.

The xixth was Wyllm the son of Thos JAMESON Chrystenyd.

The xxx was the said Wyllm buryed. Trinatye.


xvth was Edward WILKINSON and Margaret COLINSON widow weddyd.

The xth was Hewgh COLLINSON and Margaret LANGHORNE weddyd.

---------was Agnes the wife of Henry DICSON buryed.


Gen Chaptr 8 of August.

The xviijth was Mabell the daughter of Thos COWPER Chrystenyd.


The xth was Marye the daughter of Mr Richard THRELKELD Chrystenyd.

The xvth was Agnes the daughter of Thomas BOWSHYER chrystenyd.

The xxiijth was John PEARSON buryed.

The xxxth was Margaret the daughter of John ABBAY Chrystenyd.


The xxth was Margaret WYLLSON buryed.


The viij was John the son of John SMYTH chrystened and Buried.

The xth was Grace the daughter of Wyllm JAMESON chrystened.

The xxvth was Agnes BUSHER buryed.

The xxvth was Grace JAMESON buryed.


The xj was Rycd CLARK buryed.

The xij was Marye the daghtr of Rycd THRELKELD buryed.


The second was Henry TYNCLER buryed.

The vj was Margaret the daughter of Wyllm BUSHER chrystened.

The xxiiijth was Edward WILKINSON buryed.

The xxvijth was Elizabeth the wyfe of Wyllm JUDSON buryed.


The xxij was Rychard the sonne of Thomas KENDALL chrystened.

Aprill, 1584.

The vth was Esabell the wyfe of Thos KENDALL buryed.

The xxixth was John the sonne of Michell LANGHORNE Buryed.


The third was Margaret the daughter of Hewgh EDMUNSON chrystened.

The xvijth was Jane the daughter of Edward WYLKYNSON chrystened.


The xxiiijth was Julian the daughter of Edmud TYNCLER chrystened.


The vij was Henry COLLINSON of Helton buryed.

The xxiijth was xxofer THOMSON Buryed.

The xxvjth was thos the son of Hewgh COLLINSON chrystened.

Generall ch 27.

The xxvijth was Alas COLLINSON Buryed.


The ixth was Thomas the sonne of Mathew COWPER chrystened.

The xxx was Thos HOLME and Janat COWPER weddyd.


The xiij was An the daughter of Wyllm COLLINSON chrystened.


The xviijth was Mabell the daughter of thos KENDALL chrystened.

The xxvth was Nicolas COWP and Elizabeth WEDDRALT weddyd.


The thyrd was Rychd the son of Henry COLLISON buryed.

The xvth was Thomas the son of Thos HOLME chrystened.

The xxiij was Wyllm and Margaret the chyldren of Anthony RAYLTON chyrstened.


The xth was Alas the daughter of Edmud DICSON Buryed.

The xiiij was Margaret the wyfe of Wyllm BUSHER Buryed.

The xvij was Alas DICSON wedow Buryed.


The fyrst was Annas the wyfe of Roger GYBSON buryed.

The xxjth was John the son of Georg WAWGH chrystened.


The xij was Janet the wyfe of Thomas DICSON buryed.

The xiiij was Janat SYMSON buryed.

--------was Henry the son of John LAMBERT chrystened.

--------was Margaret SMYTH widow buryed.

The xxviijth was John the son of Thomas BUSHER chrystened.

The xxxj was Thomas COWPER buryed.

April, 1585.

The vjth was Henry the son of John LAMBERT buryed.

The ixth was Jane the daughter of Wyllm JAMESON chrystened.

The xiiij was Thos the son of Hewgh COLLINSON buryed.

The xv of Aprill was John BEWSHER son of Thomas buryed.

The xxvth was John the sonne of Thomas NOWBYLL chrystened.


The xvjth was Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas BUSHER older chrystened.

Note the xxvijth was the Visitation at Applebye.

The xxx was Mabell the daughter of Thomas WYLKINOSN yogr chrystened.

The same day was Margaret the dawghter of John SMYTH oldr chyrstened.


The iiijth was Edmud LAMBERT and Mairion NOWBYLL weddyd.

The same day was Mathew the son of Thos SALKELD christened.

The vj he was buryed.


The vth was Thomas WYLKINSON older buryed.

The xixth was Margaret the daughter of Edmud LAMBERT chrystened.

The xxvj was Mabell the dawghter of Thos JAMESON chrystened.


The xvijth was An the dawghter of Michaell BUSHER chrystened.


The xiiijth was Elizabeth the dawghter of John ABBAY chrystened.

The xxjth was Thos the son of Wyllm LANGHORNE chrystened.

The same day was Thos GRAME and Dorythy MUSEY weddyd.


The xij was Bart RYCHARDSON and Dorythy BUSHER weddyd.

The xvijth was Henry SMYTH of Helton buryed.

The xxvij was John the son of Wyllm RYTSON chrystened.

The same day was An the daughter of John TYNCLER chrystened.


The second was Wyllm the son of Thos LANGHORNE chrystened.

The xvjth was John the son of Robert RYTSON chrystened.

The same was Robert the son of Hewgh COLLINSON chrystened.


The fyrst was Jane the dawghter of Wyll JAMESON buryed.

The vth was John COLLINSON oldest of Ascha buryed.


The sixt was Wyllm son of John COLLINSON of Helton chyrstened.

April, 1586.

The vjth was Agnes the wyfe of Thos JAMESON eldr of Helton Buryed.

The xxiij was Wyllm JUDSON of Helton Buryed.


The fyrst was An the dawghter of John LAMBERT chrystened.

The viij was xxofer COLLINSON buryed.

The xj was Wyllm NOWBYLL of Wythwath buryed.

The xxiij was Thomas the sonne of Thomas COWPER chrystened.


The v was Edmud the sonne of Henry TYNCLER chrystened.

The xix was Janat the dawghter of Wyllm BOWMA chrystened.

The xxv was Mabell the dawghter of Thos JAMESON oldr Buryed.


The xj was the generall Chaptr.

The xvij was Henrye the sonne of John JAMESON Buryed.


The fyrst was Thos SYSSON of Barton and Elizabeth BUSHER weddyd.

The iiijth was Thomas KENDALL and Janat HEWIZSON weddyd.


The xj was Robert the son of Thos KENDALL youngr chrystened.

The xviijth was Elizabeth the dawghter of Thomas BUSHER chrystened.

The xxvth was Chrystofor SYMSON minister and vicar of Bampton at Penryth buried.

This yeare was the divison of Askha felde begon by Mr John MYDLETON and Anne his wyfe and so Brok-(smeared) unfinyshed yt year.


The ix was Wyllm the son of Thos SALKELD chrystened.

The xxiij was Martha the dawghter of Wyllm TYNCLER chrystened.

November, Anno Dom, 1586.

The xiij was Margaret the dawghter of Wyllm SALKELD chrystened.

The xviijth was Margaret the daughter of Nicolas COWPER chrystened.


The xviijth of decbr was Martha of Hewgh EMODSON christened.


The xij was Thomas the son of Thos COWP buryed.

The xxijth was Marrion the daughtr of John LOWISH buryed.


The xxvjth was Thomas THOMSON alitr powdon buryed.

March, Adew yeare, 1587.

The xxvj was Margaret DICSON buryed.


The viij was John the son of Thos LANGHORNE buryed.

The xj was Margerye STEVENSON buryed.

The xxxj was Mabell the wyfe of John COLLINSON KIRK buryed.


Generall chap the xth At Penrith

Anne Byrk (?) k.

The xvth was Jane TYNCLER buryed.

The xvj was Henry SMERTWHAT buryed.

The xx was Annas daughter of Wyllm TYNCLER buryed.

The xxxj was Hewgh GIBSON and Grace HOLME weddyd.


The xvth was John WEDDRALT oldr buryed.

The xviijth was Ambrost MAKRETH of Pattr dale buryed.

The xxix was Annas BUSHER weddow buryed.


The vjth was Janat wyfe of Henry CLARK Buryed.

This yeare the division begon againe by Mr Thomas SANDFORTH and the end gyven upon the 29 of January by Edmund TYNCLER and Jurors.


The thyrd was Agnes the late wyfe of Henry SYMSON buryed.

The vth was Mabell late wyfe of Thomas TYNCLER buryed.

The xix was Thomas BUSHER buryed.

Uppon Weddinsday the xj of this month was Margaret dawghter of Thomas SANDFORTH esquier borne, and christened the xxijth of same being Sonneday hir godmothers Margaret Lady SCROPE by her deputy Mrs PARKINSON and Mrs Marye HUDLESTON and Mr John MYDLETON esquier hir godfather.

The xxiij was Thomas sonne of Matthew COWPER buried.

The xxv was NEWBY a pow ma buryed.

The xxviijth was Margaret the wyfe of Hewgh COLLINSON buryed.


The third was a chyld of Thomas HOLMES buryed.

The vij was Dorithe LANGHORNE buryed.

The viij was Agnes WEDDRALT buryed.

The xiiij was Agnes wyfe of Thomas BUSHER buried.

The xix was Thomas HOLME and Janat SMYTH weddyd.

The same day was xxofer son of Edmud LAMBERT chrystened.

The same day was Margaret dawghter of Mathew COWPER christened.


The thyrd was the fore sayd Margaret Buryed.

The xth was Elezabeth wife of Michaell BUSHER Buryed.

The same day was John the son of Wyllm WALTON Buryed.

The xxiijth was James wyfe of Powdon buryed.


The fyrst was Rebecca the dawghter of Thos COWPER christened.

The iiijth was Wyllm TURNER buryed.

The viij was Robert the sonne of Hew COLLINSON Buryed.

The xviiij was Jane the dawghter of Nicolas RYTSON buryed.

The xiiij was Jane thi wyfe of Wyllm NOWBYLL Buryed.


The thyrd day was Thomas BUSHER elder Buryed.

The same day was Elizabeth daughter of Wyllm NOWBYLL Buryed.


The thyrd was John the son of Thos LANGHORNE of Butterwyke chrystened.

The forthe was Mabell the wyfe of Wyllm COLLINSON buryed.

The xx was John the son of John COLLINSON KIRK chrystened and buryed.

Aprill, 1588.

The fyrst was Thomas LANGHORNE of Helton Buryed.

The iiijth was Jane DOBSON Somistr (?) buryed.


The xij was Marthay the dawghter of John SMYTH chrystened.


The xij was Symod the son of Alexadr METCALFE Buryed.

The xxiij was John the son Hew HOGGARD chrystened.

The last was Elezabeth the dawghter of Roland MUSEY chrystened.


The fyrst was John WEDDRALT webstr and Annas AWAK (?) weddyd.

Generall chaptr 21.

The xxiijth was John the son of Hewgh HOGGARD yogr buryed.


This year we had the fyrst crop aftr the divysion 1588.

The xxiiijth was Thomas sonne of John MUSEY chrystened.

The same day was Wyllm son of Thos KENDALL chrystened.


The viij was Wyllm COLLINSON and Alas ABBAY weddyd.

The xjth was John CATON and Barbarye BUSHER weddyd.


The xx was Rychard the son of Thomas COLLINSON chrystened.


The ix was An dawghter of Mr Thos SANDFORTH esquier borne and chrystened the 14 of same by Mr Edmund DUDLEY Mrs An SANDFORTH of Howgyll and Mrs Rebeccay WYTHRINGTON.

The xviij was Margaret dawghter of the said Thomas buryed.


The viijth was John the son of Thos HOLME chrystened.

The xxj was Agnes the dawghter of John WEDDRALT chrystened.

The xxvth was Wyllm the son of John JUDSON chrystened.


The second was Thos COLLINSON and Grace HYLKINSON (?) weddyd.


The viij was Elezabeth wyfe of Henry LANGHORNE buryed.

The ixth was Hewgh the son of Thos KENDALL older chrystened.

The xij was Mabell wyfe of Pattryk HOGSHON buryed.

The xiiijth was John the son of John LAMBERT chrystened.

The same day was John the son of Thomas HOLME chrystened.

The xxiiijth was Janat the wyfe of Thos HOLME buryed.

The xxviijth was John the son of John COLLINSON chrystened.

Aprill, 1589.

The xx was John the son of John ABBAY chrystened.

The xxvijth was Grace the dawghter of Edwd WYLSON chrystened.


The fyrst day was Mabell the daughter of Wyllm BUSHER chrystened.

The xvijth was Hewgh the son of Thos KENDALL youngr Buryed.

The xxvth was Martin the son of John YAT chrystened.


The second was Dorythye TINCLER buryed.

The viijth was Wyllm BOWMA buryed.

The same day was Marthay Dawghter of John CATON chrystened.


Generall chapr 4.

The x was Mathew MARTINDALE and Elizabeth THOMPSON weddyd.

The viiijth was Issabell wyfe of Wyllm COWPER buryed.

The xxiij was Pattryk HODGSHON Buryed.


The vijth was Thomas HOLME and Issabell WEDDRALT weddyd.

The xvjth was Thomas BOWMA and Margaret HUDSON weddyd.


The vth was Margaret the dawghter of Michaell BUSHER chrystened.

The xij was Elizabeth dawghter of Wyllm RYTSON chrystened.

The xxvij was John the son of Henry TYNCLER chrystened.


The ix was Wyllm WEDDRALT and Dorythye HUDSON weddyd.

The xxx was An the dawghter of Thos JAMESON Buryed.


The iiijth was An the dawghter of Mr George MYDDLETON buryed.

The vij was Marthay the dawghter of Thos LANGHORNE chrystened.

The xxj was Thomas the son of Robert TYNCLER chrystened.

The xxv was Agnes the dawghter of Hewgh COLLINSON chrystened.


The vjth was Thomas the son of John WEDDRALT webst-r chrystened..

The xj was Henry the son of Wyllm LANGHORNE of Helton chrystened.


The viij was Mathew the son of Thomas GRAME chrystened.


The xx was Rebeccay the dawghter of Mathew MARTINDALE chrystened.

The xxiij was John STELYE Pysh clark buryed.

The same day was John the son of John ABBAY buryed.

The xxvij was Mr Wyllm MYDLETON buryed.

Aprill, 1590.

The v was John the son of Thomas KENDALL yogr chrystened.

The ix was Margaret dawghter of Michell BUSHER buryed.


Second was a power ma buryed.

The thyrd was Thomas the son of Roland SYMSON chrystened.

The xvij was Kathera the dawghter of Hew EMODSON chrystened.

The same was Margaret the dawghter of John WEDDRALT chrystened.


The xx was Kathera the dawghter of Hewgh EMODSON buryed.


The v was xxofer ROBINSON and Agnes JAMESON weddyd.

The v was Thos the sonne of John TYNCLER DE YATE chrystened.

The xij was Janat the dawghter of Thomas COLLINSON chrystened.

Generall chap 27.


August 2 was Elezabeth thyrd daughter of Thos SANFORTH esquier chrystened.

4 was John HOLME elder buryed.

15 was Margaret the dawghter of Hewgh JAMESON chrystened.

21 was Mabell widow of John KENDALL buryed.

Septr 2 was Rychd the sonne of Edmud SANDFORTH buryed.

6 was Mabell dawghter of Thos NOWBYLL chrystened.

And Mathew the son of Thos GRAME buryed.

15 was Issabell the wyfe of Thos JAMESON buryed.


23 was A wever of Darneson buryed.


8 was Annas dawghter of Thos COWPER chrystened.

17 was Thomas COWPER buryed.

23 was Marthay dawghter of Thos HOLME chrystened.


20 was Agnes dawghter of Nicolas COWPER chrystened.

24 was Thomas LAMBERT and Margaret GIBSON weddyd.


7 was Elizabeth dawghter of Edmud LAMBERT chrystened.

12 was Henry LANGHORNE youngr buryed.

28 was Janat dawghter of Michaell BUSHER chrystened.


3 was Elizabeth dawghter of Thos SANDFORTH buried.

The 7 was Elizabeth dawghter of John SMITH eldr christened.

14 was Thomas the son of Thomas HOLME of Heltendal.

And John the son of John MUSEY yogr christened.

20 was John SLEY buryed.


Aprill 15 was An and Janat dawghters of Thomas BOWMA christened.

29 visitation of Aplebye Mr Johannem HUTCHINSON vicar.

May 13 was Edward the sonne of John COLLINSON cnk (?) chrystened.

19 was Roland SYMSON and Agnes WEDDRALT maryed.

25 was Robert WYLKINSON and Agnes LANGHORNE weddyd.

30 was Thomas TYNKLER and Isabel BLESSE weddyd.

June 6 was ffranscis the dawghter of Robert WILKINSO chrystened.

The same day was Wm the son of John ABBATE chrystened.

7 was Wm THOMPSON and Dorrytie SALKELD weddyd.

Julye 4 was Robert TYNCLER and Grace COLLINSON weddyd.

24 was Roland son of Thos DICSON buryed.

25 was Issabell dawghter of Roland MUSEY chrystened.

Generall chap 29.

Sepber 24 was Elezabeth LANGH0RNE wedow buryed.

October 6 was Elezabeth the fourth dawghter of Mr Thos SANDFORTH esquier chrystened.

And Wyllm the son of Hewgh COLLINSON chrystened.

31 was Grace the late wyfe of Hewgh COLLINSON buryed.

December last was John WEDDRALT buryed.

January 16 was Edmund son of Wyllm TYNCLER chrystened.


March 5 was Janat dawghter of Wyllm BUSHER chrystened.

29 was Janat SMAW buryed.

May 2 Vistiaco’ metopolita.

3 was John TYNCLER DE KELD buryed.

24 was Henry CLARK buryed.

28 was Thomas son of John TYNCLER buryed.

June 8 was Henrye NOWBYLL and Elizabeth LANGHORNE weddyd.

18 was Annas dawghter of Robert TYNCLER chrystened.

And John JUDSON and Isabell GYBSON was weddyd.

21 was Thomas DICSON and Allas BRAYDLEY weddyd.

July 2 was Elizabeth dawghter of Wyllm WYLKINSON chrystened, and the same day was Wyllm the sonne of Mathew MARTINDALE chrystened.

Generall chapr the 20.

30 was John HUDSON and Agnes HOLME weddyd.

Johannes HUDSON et Agneta HOLME.

August 4 was Janat the dawghter of Thomas BOWMA buryed.

6 was Margaret NOWBYLL buryed.

25 was Hewgh the son of John LAMBERT christened.

Agnes the dawghter of John JUDSON chrystened.

September 16 was Hewgh the son of John LAMBERT buryed.

18 was John the son of Thomas COLLINSON of Helton chrystened.

21 was Wyllm NOWBYLL buryed.

October 20 was Thomas the vth chyld of Mr Thomas SANDFORTH esquier borne and chrystened the fyrst day of November 1592 being All Saints day, his godfathers was Thomas Lord SCROPE by his substitute Mr John MYDLETON esquier and Mr Thomas SALKELD esquier his godmother was Mrs An BELLINGHA.

November 5 was Alan SANDFORTH and Janat WYLKINSON weddyd.

12 was Wyllm the son of Thomas HOLME of Heltondale chrystened.

Decbr 10 was John the son of John JUDSON of Lye~ (?) chrystened.

23 was xxofor the son of Wyllm RYTSON chrystened.

24 was Robert COLLINSON buryed.

29 was Margaret the wyfe of Wyllm ATKINSON buryed.

January 4 was Robert COWLSON of Durham buryed.

  1. was Roland the son of Thomas HOLME chrystened.

February 11 was Wyllm the son of Thos KENDALL chrystened.

20 was Bernard COSING and Francis WEDRALT weddyd.

22 was John JUDSON son of John buryed.

23 was Elizabeth dawghter of Thos LANGHORNE chrystened.

24 was Rycd the son of Wyllm SALKELD buryed.

  1. April 6 was John CATON buryed

25 was Robert the son of Wyllm BURTHAM buryed.

May 27 was Jane daughter of John HOLME of Bampton chrystened.

June 5 was Mr Roger CONNIERS and Mrs Ala MYDLETON weddyd.

24 was Wyllm son of Robert DENNESON of Meason chrystened.

July 15 was Thomas TYNCLER and Jane COLLINSON weddyd.

23 was the generall chaptr at Applebye.

  1. was Richard RANOLDSON and Mabel JOHNSON weddyd.
  2. was Richard ROBINSON and Margaret LOWYISH weddyd.
  3. August 12 was Thomas the son of Alan SANDFORTH chrystened.

    19 was Thomas JAMESON son of Thos buryed.

    September 24 was Wyllm the son of Thos BOWMA chrystened.

    October 14 was Martyn the son of John MUSEY chrystened and buryed.

    22 was Thomas BOWMA and Annas DICSON weddyd and he aft (rubbed).

    24 was Marthey the vj chyld of Mr Thomas SANDFORTH chrystened.

    Novbr 11 the Thomas son of Barnard COSING chrystened.

    19 was John WATTER buryed.

    25 was Lancyllot the son of John STELE chrystened.

    Deceber 23 was Rychard the son of Anthony WYLKINSON buryed.

    The same day was Rycd the son of John COLLINSON christened.

    26 was John the son of Thos JAMESON yogr chrystened.

    January 7 was Elizabeth dawghter of Michaell BUSHER chrystened.

    16 was Henry LANGHORNE buryed.

    20 was Henry the son of John TYNCLER chrystened.

    27 was John the son of Thos TYNCLER chrystened.

  4. was John the son of Thos JAMESON buryed.

Fabruary 9 was Grace the wyfe of Hewgh EMODSON buryed.

10 was Thomas KENDALL oldr buryed.

27 was John JOHNSON buryed.

March 2 was Wyllm LAMBERT buryed.


Aprill 6 was John MUSEY oldr buryed.

The same day was Wyllm the son of Edmud LAMBERT chrystened.

14 was Janat dawghtr of John LAMBERT chrystened.

Same day was Grace daughter of Hewgh COLLINSON chrystened.

20 was the said Grace buryed.

25 was Annas the dawghter of John ABBAY chrystened.

Maye 15 was owr Visitation at Applebye.

20 was Elizabeth dawghter of Thomas BOWMAN chrystened.

26 was Janat dawghter of Thos GRAME chrystened.

June 23 was Wyllm son of Wyllm TYNCLER chrystened.

July 7 was Wyllm son of John JOHNSON chrystened.

August 4 was Thomas DICSON and Annas HUDSON weddyd.

11 was Thomas sonne of Lancyllot HENRYSON chrystened.

16 was Elizabeth dawghter of Thos BOWMA buryed.

September 18 was Kathera wyfe of Wyllm JOHNSON buryed.

29 was Anthonye son of Henry TYNCLER chrystened.

October 3 was Margaret wyfe of Thos COLLINSON buryed.

Owr Book of registr prsented for this year.

20 Eleonar TYNCLER buryed.

27 was Thomas COLLINSON of Nuke buryed.

28 was Janat dawghtr of Rowland STEALEY chrystened.

November 30 was Janat wyfe of Thos HOLME Buryed.

December 15 was Henry the son of John JUDSON chrystened.

26 was Frances dawghtr of Mathew MARTINDALE chryrstened.

January 5 was John the son of Thos DICSON chrystened.

7 was Janat wyfe of late John TYNCLER buryed.

19 was Thomas son of Thos COLLINSON of Helton chrystened.

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acknowlegements to Les Strong