Askham Parish Registers



Fabruary 9 was John the sonne of Rycd Collinson yong’r chrystened.

19 was Eleonare the daught’r of Wyllm Burthn chrystened.

23 was thomas the son of Nicolas Cowper crystened.

24 was Mathias the son of John Judson chrystened.

27 was the sayd Mathias buryed.

March 4 was Rycd Collinson and Janat Judson weddyd.

25 was Thomas the son of thos Bowma chrystened.

30 was thomas the sonne of Hewgh Collinson chrystened.


Aprill 6 was Agnes Henryson widow buryed.

13 was thomas the sonne of edward Sowlbye chrystened.

May 11 was Margaret dawght’r of thomas Jameson Jun’r chrystened.

18 was John the son of Roland Musey chrystened.

June 8 was John the son of Rychard Smyth chrystened.

12 was Thomas Clark and Elizabeth Langhorne weddyd.

The 26 was the Metropolita Visitaco at Applebye.

July 5 was Christabell wyfe of Edwd Fenton Buryed.

15 was John Stelye and Agnes Lowyshe weddyd.

August 14 was Thomas Jameson of Helton buryed.

17 was Wyllm the sonne and the 7 chyld of thos Sandforth esquier chrystened, godfathers Mr John Mydleton Mr Henry Wythrington and Mrs Twhatt godmother.

30 was Wyllm the son of Wyllm Langhorne chrystened.

September was Grace wyfe of Thomas Staffyrd buryed.

17 was thomas Wylkinson and Florance Smyth weddyd.

30 was Thomas son of thos Bowma of Helton chrystened.

October the 7 was or generall chaptr and registr p’sentyd.

12 was Rychard son of Thomas Holme chrystened.

And Wyllm the sonne of Thomas Sandforth esquier Buryed.

November 9 was Grace dawghter of Henry Dixon chrystened.

16 was Martynne son of John Collinson n’k chrystened.

17 was Grace dawghter of Henry Dixon buryed.

26 was Elizabeth dawghter of Wyllm Johnson chrystened.

28 was John dawghter of Wyllm Viccars chrystened and buryed.

30 was Janat dawghter of Thos Kendall chrystened.

January 7 was Hewgh son of Thomas Rytson chrystened.

13 was Margaret late wyfe of John Tyncler of Keld buryed.

Fabuary 2 was Elizabeth dawghter of Miles Robinson buryed.

March 3 was my brother Rycd Symson at Penrith buryed.

13 was Mabell dawghtr of Michaell Busher chrystened.


26 was Rycd son of Barnard Cosing chrystened.

May 28 was Hewgh son of Thomas Rytson buryed.

30 was John the son of John Musey chrystened.

June 29 was John the son of Thomas Dixon buryed.

July 11 was Elizabeth dawghter of John Langhorne chrystened.

14 was Henry son of Wyllm Wylkinson chrystened.

19 was Genrall Chaptr at Appleby and regestr book p’sented.

August 12 was Janat the dawghter of Wyllm Busher buryed.

26 was Grace dawghtr to the sayd Wyllm buryed.

September 3 was Anthony son of Henry Tyncler buryed.

14 was Isabell dawghtr of Henry Tyncler buryed.

29 was John the sonne of Allan Sandforth chrystened.

29 was Roland sonne of John Holme yogr chrystened.

October 29 was Grace Hodgshon buryed.

Novbr 14 was Rycd son of thos Bowman chrystened.

The same day was Wyllm son of Henry Dixon chrystened.

December 5 was Dorythe the vj dawghtr and the viij chyld of Thomas Sandforth esquier chrystened.

19 was Thomas son of Thomas Dixon chrystened.

January 30 was Mr Thomas Dudley and Mrs Frances Mydleton weddyd.

Fabuary 1 was John Lowysh buryed.

2 was Rycd the son of Thomas Tyncler chrystened.

3 was Thomas Busher and Agnes Judson weddyd.

March was Anne dawghtr of Thos Collinson of Heltn chrystened.

7 was Thomas son of thos Collinson buryed.

20 was Grace dawghter of Thomas Rytson chrystened.

27 was John the son of Thomas Bowerbank chrystened.


April 6 Genrall chaptr and our regester p’sented.

24 was Thomas Bowerank and Froro (?) Bughton weddyd and she aftr chuchyd.

May 12 was or Byshopp Visitacon at Appleby.

24 was edward son of john Collinson buryed.

26 was Elizabeth dawghter of John Langhorne buryed.

June 7 was Thomas Dixon oldr buryed.

24 was Steven Henryson and Agnes Mounsey weddyd.

July 7 was Hewgh Hoggard buryed.

31 was Elezabeth wyfe of John Jameson buryed.

The same day was Mabell dawghter of Mathew Martindale chrystened.

August 4 was Rycd Collinson eldest buryed.

6 was Edythe wyfw of xxofer Measom buryed.

18 was a powr woma of Penrith buryed

19 was Jane the wyfe of John Holme buryed.

September 2 was Rycd the sone of thomas Tyncler buryed.

4 was Michaell the sonne of John Stelye chrystened.

11 was Margaret Bowma wedow buryed.

14 was Margaret wyfe of Wyllm Busher buryed.

29 was Agnes dawghter of Thos Langhorne chrystened.

October 5 was John Smyth buryed.

9 was Robert son of John Musey chrystened.

17 was Wyllm Collinson buryed and my syster Isabell weddyd.

25 was John Langhorne of Helton buryed.

The nyght before in the supp tyme was the barne at the Viccaag burned.

Margaret the wyfe of Thos (?) was buryed.

November 4 was a chyld of Henry Steles buryed.

11 was Issabell Holme buryed.

27 was Edmund Law and Jane Busher weddyd.

December was Rychard Musey and Jane Langhorne weddyd.

Was Thomas the supposed son of Wyllm Lowysh chrystened.

19 was John Judson buryed.

25 was Agnes Busher buryed.

January 15 was thomas son of Wyllm Tyncler chrystened.

19 was John Meason buryed.

22 was Wyllm the son of Thomas Busher chrystened.

26 was Thomas Warwyke gent and Mrs Margaret Mydleton weddyd.

March 5 was Henry the son of Thomas Holme chrystened.


April xxix was Elizabeth wedow of Rycd Collinson buryed.

June 1 was Edmund Sandforth buryed.

4 was Frances dawghter of thomas Graime chrystened.

24 was xxofer Rytson and Grace Judson weddyd.

The 26 was or Generall Chaptr at Applebye.

Julye 9 was Dorythe dawghter of Wyllm Johnson Chrystened.

25 was John the sonne of Lancyllot Henryson chrystened.

August 3 was Anhony Hudson and Grace Collinson weddyd.

Septbr 17 was Elizabeth dawghter of Hewgh Collinson chrystened.

21 was xxofer the son of Thomas Kendall yogr chrystened.

23 was Thomas son of John Waddralt buryed.

October 15 was Marion Judson buryed.

22 was Agnes dawghter of John Nelson chrystened.

23 was Anthonye Clark buryed.

November 2 was John Aray and Issabel Judson weddyd.

5 was Hewgh Collinson and Agnes Tinckler weddyd.

19 was Thomas the son of thos Kendall oldr chrystened.

26 was Thomas Langhorne and Marrion Smyth weddyd.

5 of December was the Copye of or Register p’sented at Marton.

10 was John the son of John Holme yongr chrystened.

17 was Frances dawghter of Thomas Grame Buryed.

31 was Janat late wyfe of Henry Wylkinson buryed.

January 2 was Mabell wyfe of Thos Smyth Buryed.

The same day was Margaret dawghter of Wyllm Rytson chrystened.

7 was Elezabeth dawghtr of john Lambert chrystened.

14 was Thomas the sonne of thomas Tyncler chrystened.

28 was John the sonne of thomas Watter Chrystened.

Fabruary 11 was Margaret dawghtr of Rycd Smyth Chrystened.

24 was Elizabeth dawghtr of Thomas Jameson Chrystened.

16 was Rychard son of John Aray Chrystened.


May 6 was Janat dawghter of Wyllm Wylkinson of Howell Chrystened.

13 was John the sonne of Thomas Bowma of Helton Chrystened.

20 was Thomas sonne of Mathew Martindale Chrystened.

23 was Issabell and Jane the dawghtrs of Michaell Busher Chrystened.

And the same day was Rychard Langhorne and Annas Langhorne wedow weddyd.

June 3 was Henry the son of thomas Bowma of Askha Chrystened.

9 was John Musey and Ellenar Grame weddyd.

11 was Thomas Stely and Agnes Bank weddyd.

Julye 1 was Thomas Smyth and Elezabeth Jameson weddyd.

8 was Michaell the son of Rowland Musey Chrystened.

9 was Rychard Dent and Agnes Smyth weddyd.

The same day was Agnes dawghter of Allen Sandforth Chrystened.

17 was Elezabeth dawghter of Thomas Wylkinson smyth Chrystened.

30 was or generall Chaptr at Kyrckby stephen and or Byshop Henry Robinson there.

August 13 was Thomas Hoggard buryed.

19 was Thomas the son of Rycd Collinson Chrystened.

Septmbr 9 was Wyllm the son of Rychd Langhorne Chrystened.

And Janat the dawghter of Wyllm Wylkinson yongr Chrystened.

23 was Rychard son of John Musey yongr Chrystened.

October 5 was Anne the dawghter of thos Collinson buryed.

24 was Wyllm the son of thomas Dixon Chrystened.

And Rychard Lycok and Grace Rytson weddyd.

November 4 was Agnes dawghtr of Edmud Law chrystened.

11 was Agnes dawghtr of Thos Collinson of Helton Chrystened.

18 was Julian wyfe of Leonard Smyth Buryed.

20 was Robert Hudson and Marye Cowper weddyd.

21 was Janat late wyfe of John Watter buryed.

30 was Margaret late wyfe of Harry Tyncler Buryed.

December 2 was Margaret dawghtr of Thomas Langhorne yogr Chrystened.

9 was Agnes dawghter of Rychard Musey Chrystened.

16 was Agnes dawghter of Henry Dixon Chrystened.

And Agnes dawghter of xxofer Wylkinson Chrystened.

19 was Janat the wyfe of John Smyth eldr Buryed.

21 was Margaret Clark dawghter of Heny Buryed.

31 was Agnes and Dorithe dawghtrs of Barnard Cosing Chrystened.

2 was the pre said Agnes Buryed.

4 was the pre said Dorithe Buryed.

13 was Mabell dawghter of John Stelye Chrystened.

17 was thomas sonne of thomas Kendall yongr Chrystened.

And Jane dawghter of Thos Rytson Chrystened.

Fabuary the 24 was Michael Stelye Buryed.

March 20 was Julyan dawghter of John Dixon Chrystened.


Aprell 17 was Robert Wylkinson and Mabell Hudson weddyd.

29 was thomas Lyddall of Sowlbye buryed.

25 was the Visitacon at Appleby.

May 1 was Agnes dawghter of Robert Wylkinson Chrystened.

4 was the sd Agnes Buryed.

10 was Mabell dawghter of thomas Smyth yogr Chrystened.

20 was Janat wyfe of Thomas Kendall buryed.

24 was Mabell wyfe of Robert wylkinson buryed.

June 8 was George the son of Thomas Holme of Askha Chrystened.

16 was Wyllm Knot of Clyfton and julyan Law weddyd.

July 6 was Edmud son of Hewgh Collinson of Helton Chrystened.

The same day was Thomas the son of John Sutton chrystened.

13 was Edward Addison and Alas Meason weddyd.

August 3 was thomas Collinson talier and Margarete Busher weddyd.

17 was Marye the dawghter of Thomas Langhorne Chrystened.

The same day was Henry Ranaldson and Grace dixon weddyd.

September 5 was John the son of thomas Howdon Buryed.

7 was Rychard Wylkinson and Jane emodson weddyd.

8 was Oswold Nicolson and Mabell Jameson weddyd.

26 was Issabell dawghtr of Michaell Busher buryed.

October 21 was Johan dawghter of Henry Raynaldson Chrst and Buryed.

November 3 was Thomas Musey eldest buryed.

11 was Alas wydowe of thos Dixson eldr buryed.

29 was Rycd son of thos Musey yongr buryed.

30 was John the son of thos Bowma of askha Chrystened.

And Elizabeth bayse dawghtr of John Sutton chrystened.

December 1 was Jane the dawghter of John Holme yongr Chrystened.

22 was Jane the dawghtr of Michaell Busher Buryed.

24 was Elizabeth wyfe of Nicolas Cowper Buryed.

January 1 was John the son of Wyllm Wylkinson of Howall Chrystened.

9 was Agnes dawghtr of Edmud Law Buryed.

Fabruary 1 was Jane dawghtr of thomas Busher chrystened.

22 was Margaret dawghtr of John Collinson cnk Chrystened.


Aprell 6 was thomas the son of Barnard Cosing buryed.

27 was Wyllm the son of Thos Dixon Buryed.

The same day was Agnes dawghtr of Thos Collinson Buryed.

May the 17 was John Jameson eldest of Ascha buryed.

The 18 was or Generall Chaptr and or Registr p’sented Penrith.

June 7 was Jane the dawghtr of Wyllm Bell of Ravenstondale chrystened.

14 was Edmud the son of thomas Tyncler chrystened.

26 was Barnard and Wyllm the sonnes of Barnard Coosing christened.

28 was the said Wyllm buryed.

29 was the sayd Barnard buryed.

August 4 was Mabell wyfe of Edmud Tyncler buryed.

6 was Thomas Clark son of late Anthony buryed.

11 was Issabell wyfe of Hewgh Collinson buryed.

September 7 was Thomas son of thomas Watter Chrystened.

11 was Issabell dawghtr of Robert Canon Buryed.

13 was Edmud son of -artyn Gybson Chrystened bast.

14 was Mabell Dixon dawghtr of thomas buryed.

October 4 was Agnes dawghtr of Thomas Langhorne yongr Chrystened.

15 was Wyllm Tyncler Buryed.

The same day was John Jameson and Mabell Smyth weddyd.

November 2 was Edmud the son of Thomas Tyncler Buryed.

22 was Wyllm Hudson and Mabell Collinson weddyd.

December 6 was Agnes the dawghtr of Wyllm Langhorne of Helton chrystened.

15 was Wyllm Rytson and Elizabeth Wylson weddyd.

25 was John the son of Oswold Nicolson Chrystened.

January 6 Frances dawghter of Rychard Smyth Chrystened.

10 was Edmud son of Allan Sandforth chrystened.

17 was Margaret dawghter of Edmud Law Chrystened.

23 was Janat dawghtr of thos Kendall yongr Chrystened.

Fabruary 7 was Elizabeth dawghtr of Thos Collinson of Helton Chrystened.

14 was thos the sonne of Wyllm Rytson smyth Chrystened.

And Eleoner dawghter of Thos Wylkinson smyth Chrystened.

19 was Wyllm and Hewgh the sonnes of John Lambert Chrystened.

21 was Thos Smyth oldr of Helton Buryed.

And Margaret dawghtr of Michell Busher chrystened.


March the xxv was Henry the son of Thomas Dixon chrystened.

Aprell 3 was Martyn Sanderson Buryed.

20 was the general Chaptr at Penryth 1602.

May 23 was Grace dawghtr of John Farer Chrystened.

June 5 was Thomas Sandforth sonne of Edmud Buryed.

July 25 was Thomas son of John Jameson Chrystened.

August 23 was Wyllm Salkeld Buryed.

September 12 was Agnes dawghtr of Thomas Jameson yog Chrystened.

19 was James the sonne of thomas Bowma of Askha Chrystened.

26 was Mabell dawghter of Hewgh Collinson Chrystened.

October 15 was Thomas son of Hewgh Collinson of Askha Buryed.

28 was Wyllm sonne of thos Tyncler Chrystened.

November 7 was Margaret dawghter of thos Holme Chrystened.

25 was Thomas the sonne of thomas Kendall yongr Buryed.

28 was Agnes dawghtr of Thos Stelye chrystened.

December 1 was Elizabeth dawghter of Thos Wylkinson yongr Buryed.

23 was Thomas Kendall and Katheran Bewchampe weddyd.

26 was Mabell the wyfe of John Aray Buryed.

January 1 was Jane the dawghtr of Hewgh Collinson of Askha chrystened.

9 was Mary dawghtr of Barny Cosing Chrystened.

Fabuary 6 was John Rowtlidge and Issabell Lambert weddyd.

13 was Henry langhorne son of Thos oldr Chrystened.

And Agnes dawghtr of Lancillot Runay Chrystened.

And Dorithy the supposed dawghter of Leonard Jameson chrystened.

16 was the said Dorithy Buryed.

24 was Elizabeth daghtr of Rycd Mounsey Chrystened.

March 6 was Margaret dawghtr of Rychard Wylkinson smith Chrystened.

7 was Janat the late wyfe of thos Musey Buryed.

1603 do off sovr Jacobye I. 1.

Aprell 3 was Thomas Collinson drownyd and Buryed.

Same day elezabeth and Agnes the dawghtrs of Thos Smyth chrystened.

10 was Agnes dawghter of John Holme yonger Chrystened.

30 Margaret the dawghtr of thos Holme buryed.

12 of May was ower visitaco at Appleby and or regester given in.

22 was Thomas the son of Henry Dixon Chrystened.

June 6 was Elizabeth dawghtr of Hewgh Collinson Buryed.

16 was Henry Salkeld who kylt himself Buryed.

July 5 was Janat dawghter of thos Kendall Junor Buryed.

9 was Wyllm son of Thomas Tyncler Buryed.

19 was Agnes dawghtr of thos smyth Buryed.

23 was Thomas son of Henry Dixon Buryed.

August 18 was Mary dawghtr of Barnabe Cosing buryed.

21 was Leonard Musey and Jane Tyncler weddyd.

September 21 was Jane dawghtr of Rychard Langhorne Chrystened.

27 was Jane dawghtr of Wyllm Johnson Buryed.

October 18 was John the sonne of Edmud Aray Chrystened.

November 7 was Wyllm Judson and Mabell Tyncler weddyd.

13 was Eleoner the supposed dawghtr of John lowther chrystened.

December 18 was thomas son of John Rowtlydge Chrystened.

And Agnes dawghtr of Wyllm Wylkinson de Howall chrystened.

21 was Agnes dawghtr of Thos Collinson of Askha Chrystened.

28 was Issabell dawghtr of Thos Rytson Chrystened.

January 1 was Agnes the dawghtr of Oswold Nicolson Chrystened.

7 was Agnes the dawghtr of Wyllm Wylkinson Buryed.

March iiijth day was Margaret dawghtr of Leonard Musey Chrystened.

8 was Agnes wyfe of Robert Musey Buryed.

18 was Agnes dawghtr of Roland Musey Chrystened.


Aprill 2 was Hewgh Watter buryed.

4 was xxofer Meason buryed.

9 was John the son of Wyllm Lowysh Chrystened.

And Henry the son ofRycd Collinson Chrystened.

20 was Janat wyfe of xxofer Wylkinson buryed.

On Aprill 15 was Sr John Symsonn Clarke and Vickar of Ascham buryed.

being Low Sunday Anno Dni 1604 and Mr John Haystye preached.

May 6 was Thomas the supposed sonne of Hugh Watter Christened.

13 was Edmund the sonne of Thomas Kendall de Gill christened.

The same date was olde Wyllm Jamston buried.

June 9 was Mathewe Martendale otherwise Cowe docto buried.

Julye 6 was Margaret the doughter of rychard Wilkinson buryed.

8 was John Bowesefell and Elizabeth Bewsher weddid.

13 was Elyeanor the doughter of Thomas Wilkinson younger buried.

22 was Margrete the doughter of Thomas Kendall Christened.

9 was Edmund the son of Thomas Tinkler de Kelde christened.

Was Mabell the daughter of Barnard Cosine Christened.

And was Hugh Busher the son of Thomas Busher Buried.

10 was Edmud the son of Thomas Kendall de Gill Buried.

19 was John the son of Thomas Busher chrustened.

Was Mabell the wife of Willm Hudson buried.

The same day was Margrete the daughter of the said Willm christened.


The second day was Willm Cowp and Susanna Sympson single p’sons maryed and both of this perreshe.


day was Mabell Watter dowghter of Thomas Watter illegible.

Richard Matteson of the pesh of Bampton and Jane Clark of this p’esh single persons were maryed the xxi of October 1604.

Elizabeth Lambert the daughter of of Edmond Lambert buryed the xxix of October 1604.

Robert Collinso the sonne of Hewgh Collinso was baptised the xxi of November Ano Dni 1604.

Margaret Dixon the dawghter of Thomas Dixo was baptised the xxvth of November Ano Dni 1604.

Elizabeth Law the dawghter of Edmonde Law was baptised ye 9 of December Ano Dni 1604.

Margrett Collinson wedow wyfe of Jo : Collin buryed the xvij of December 1604.

Leonard Smythe howseholdr was buried the xj of January 1604.

Dorytie Sandford the dowghter of Allan Sandfort was baptised the xxth of January.

Thomas Holme was the son of John Holme was baptised the same day.

John Tynkler single man was buryed the xxix of Janr.

February 3 was Thomas Lowis and Elizabeth Richardson weddid.

The fourth day Christopher Wilkinson and Jane Bewsher weddid.

March the tent day was John the sonne of Thomas Wilkinson smith Chrystened.

Aprill the first day was Jane the dawghter of Wm Wilkinson of Howel


The second was Julian the dawghter of Patye (?) Murthat christened.

June the second Michael the son of Hugh Collinson was----.

The same day Mabel the daughter of Thomas Langhorne the younger was cristened.

John the sonne of Henrie Dickson was baptised the fourth day of Julie.

Thomas Collinson and Janett Judson were maried the fifth day of Juli, 1605.

Julie 14 was Willm Langhorne and Jane Holmne weddid 1605.

The same day was Henrye the son of Richard Wilkinson christened.

The xviij day of Julye was Willm Hudson and ---- Bowman weddid, 1605.

18 was Thomas Staforde and Elsabeth Bewsher weddid.

19 was Isabell wyfe of Thomas Langhorne Buried.

28 was Lancelote Wilkinson and Julian Tinkcler weddid.

August 18 was Edmud the son Thomas Bowman Christened.

October 14 was Margrete the doughter of Thomas Kendall Buried.

15 was Edmud Tinkcler and Jane Tailer weddid.

17 was Anas the wyfe of Jhon Mounsie Buried.

27 was Jhon Smythe and Elizabeth Lowis weddid.

Novemb 25 was Christopher Wilkinson of Hellton Buried.

December 1 was Elizabeth the doughter of Thomas Kendall de Gill chrystened.

26 was Thomas the sonne of Willm Cowper chrystened.

January vj was Issabell the daughter of Richard Mousey christened.

The same day was Elizabeth the daughter of Christopher Wilkinson of Hellton chrystened.

16 was Thomas Langhorne and Grace Hudson weddid.

19 was John the sonne of Willm Langhorne christened.

February 2 was Thomas the sonne of Oaswold Nycollson chrystened.

10 was Nycolas Cow’er and Ursilla Steleye weddid.

March 2 was Mabell the doughter of Thomas Collinson chrystened.

3 was Thomas Mounsey and anas Hudson weddid.

15 was Anas wyfe of Willm Wilkinson of Hellton buried.

An Do 1606.

28 was John Mounsey of Askam Buried.

Aprill 13 was Anas the doughter of John Jameson of Helton christened.

18 was Jhon Wilkinson of Helton Buried An Do 1606.

May 1 was Grace the doughter of Jhon Smyth younger of Helto Christened.

4 was Margrete the doughter of Thomas Stafforth christened.

6 was Elizabeth the wyfe of Thomas Stafforth Buried.

11 was Robert the sone of Leonard Mounsey chrustened.

29 was Thomas the sonne of Jhon Bousefeld christened.

Julye 20 was Willm the sonne of Thomas Holme of Askam christened.

27 was Jhon the sonne of Thomas Holme of Helltondalle younger chrystened.

The same day was Margrete the doughter of Jhon Hamellton christened.

29 Anas the doughter of Jhon Jameson buried.

August 22 was Margrete the wyfe of Willm Langhorne buried.

Septemr 1 was Mabell the wyfw of Michel Steleye Buried.

Was Robert the sonne of Sir Jhon ---- rhyton christened.

October 26 was Grace the doughter of Edmud Aray Christened.

November 9 was Jhon the sonne of Thomas kendell christened and buried.

December the xiiij was Edmond Langhorne the sonne of Thomas Langhorne of the Kylne end baptised.

February 1 was Margrete the doughter of older Bowman of Askam christened, An Do 1606.

Anno Dni 1606.

The ix day was Edward Lancaster of the prsh of Barton and Margret Ematson of this presh maried.

The xv day was Edward Collinson sonne of Hewgh Collinson christened.

The xxi day was Elizabeth Sanderson the wyfe of Martin Sanderso of Askam (deceased) buried.

March the fyrst day was Willm Holme the son of John Holme Junior of Heltondalile baptised.

The ix day was Elizabeth Burrow dowghter of Willm Burrow and his wyfe baptised


May the iiij day was George Rowtledge and Marye Jameso of the pesh of Morland maryed.

The xxj day was Thomas Stavert and Elioner Tynkler bothe of this pesh maryed.

The xxxj day was Willm Salkeld sonne of xxofer Salkeld and his wyfe Baptised.

June the xixth day was Willm Salkeld sonne of xxofer Salkeld buryed.

The xxvth day was John Gray of the pesh of ---sbie (?) and Mabell Smyth of this pesh maryed.

The 27 day was or Generall Chapter and our Register books presented at Penreth.

Julie the v day was Lanclott Langhorne sonne of Willm Langhorne senior of Helton baptised.

The viij day was Grace the dawghter of Thomas Colleson Junior of Helton baptised.

The xij was Christopher Wilso of Plumpto and Margaret Abbott of Askam maryed.

The same day was Margret the dawghter of Thomas Colleso of Askam baptised.

July the xviij day was Margrett Colleso the wyfe of Thomas Colleso afforesaid buryed 1607.

July the xxvj day was Agnes Rychardso dawghtr of Thomas Rychardson baptised.

July the xxx day was Jane Murthatt dawghter of xatton Murthatt baptised.

August the second day was Thomas Ubanke of Mebron of the peshe of Morland and Agnes Salkeld of Helton within the pishe of Askame maryed.

The same day was Jane Moffytt wyfe of Patte Moffatt buryed.

August the v day was Thomas Lowys sonne of Willm Lowys baptised.

August the xvj day was Mychaell Watter son of Thomas Watter baptised, Anno Dni 1607.

August the xxxj day was Elizabeth Whitfield wedow buryed.

September the xiij day was Rycd Noble of the pish of Morland and Jane Salkeld of this pish maryed.

The xxj day was Margrett Colleson daughter of Hewgh Colleson of Hilto baptised.

October the ij day was Grace Stavert dawghter of Thomas Stavert baptised.

The xxviij day was Agnes Lancaster dawghter of Edward Lancaster baptised.

November the xv day was Hewgh Longorne sonne of Thomas Longhorne baptised.

The xvj day was Hewgh Walker of Bamptom and Agnes Wilkinson of Helton maryed.

The xvij day was Hewgh Savyll a poore chyld.

The xx day was Isabell Holme wyfe of Thomas Holme of Askam buryed.

The xxij day was Jane Sandford dawghter of Allan Sandford of Helton baptised.

The same day was Thomas Collinson of Askam wedower and Mabell Wilkinson of Helton maryed.

The xxiij day was Rychard Walker of Penrith and Mabell Busher of Askam maryed.

The xxix day was Patterick Moffett and Grace Kendall both of Askame maryed.

The same day was Mabell Jameso dawghter of John Jameso of Helton baptised.

December the second day was Margrett Dixon the dawghter of Thomas Dixon of Askam buryed.

The v day was Henry Dixon son of ------- Dixon buryed.

The vj day was Thomas Lawe sonne of Edmond Law baptised.

The same day was Mychaell Tynkler sonne of Thomas Tynkler baptised.

The 7th day was Thomas Jameson of Askam senior buryed.

January the first day was Thomas Langhorne sonne of Thomas Langhorne senior baptised.

The tenth day was George Langhorne sonne of Willm Langhorne of Helton baptised.

The xv day was Ellasse Collso of Helton wedow buryed.

The xxiiij day was Willm Lowysse of Helton buryed.

The xxviij was Mr Thomas Sandforde sonne and heir of Thomas Sandforde Esquire buryed.

The same day was Isabel Langhorne of Helton wedow buryed.

Februarye the 7 day was Agnes Dixon dawghter of Thomas Dixon of Askam baptised.

The eight day was Mychael Pearson of Askam buryed.

The xxi day was Jane Wilkinso dawghter of Thomas Wilkinson of Helton baptised.

The xxviij day was Robt Mounsey of Askam howsholder buryed.


March the xvj day was Isabell Stofr dawghter of Richard Sto a traveler baptised.

The xxix day was Jenatt Wilkinso wyffe of Wm Wilkinson of Howell buried.

May the xiiij day was Isabell Stoftr dawghter of Rychard Stofter buryed.

The xv day was Margerett Stofter buryed.

The same day was Edmond Collison sonne of Ryc Colleso baptised.

The same day was Mabell the dawghter of John Smyth baptised 1608.

The 22 day was Thomas Bewsher sonne of Thomas Bewsher of Askham baptised 1608.

June the v day was Jane Colleso dawghter of Rychard Colleso of Helton baptised.

The xviij day was Thomas Holme of Askham brother to John Holme of Heltondaile buryed.

The xix day was Elioner Mounsey dawghter of Thomas Mounsey of Helton baptised.

The xxi day was Jane Salkeld of Helton wedow buryed.

Julye the third day was Jane the supposed dawghter of Gilbert Preast baptised.

The xj day was Elizabeth Moffatt dawghter of Patterick Moffatt baptised.

August the iiij day was Edmond Colliso sonne of Richard Colleso of Helton buryed.

The 7 day was Willm Cowp sonne of Willm Cowp baptised.

The 14 day was Margret Nycolson dawghter of Oswald Nycolson of Askham baptised.

The same day Stephen Robertson and Agnes Tynkler both of this prish maryed.

August the xviij day was John Kendall sonne of Thomas Kendall of the Gill baptised.

The 24 day was Margret Holme dawghter of Thomas Holme of Heltondaile baptised.

September the 4 day was James Walker sonne of hewgh Walker of Bamptom baptised.

The xj day was Agnes Collison dawghter of Thomas Collison of Askham clerk baptised.

The xv day was Willm browne of this pesh and Agnes Stewart (?) od the pesh of Kendaile maryed.

EDENLINKS Hosted by CumbriaFHS
acknowlegements to Les Strong