Askham Parish Registers
1608 - 1632
October the xxxj day was John Kendall of the Gill buryed.
November the 6 day was Edward Bowman sonne of Thomas Bowma of Askham baptised.
The xv day was Thomas Kendall son of Thomas Kendall yonger baptised.
The same day was Agnes Salkeld the dawghter xxofer Salkeld of Helton baptised 1608.
The xxij day was Johan Mounsey the dawghter of Rychard Mounsey of Askham baptised 1608.
December the xxj day was Willm Dennyson of the pesh of Bampton and Alice Rymso (?) of the Pesh of Kendal maryed.
The xxvij day was Dorytie Lowyshe the dawghter of Thomas Lowysh of Helton baptised.
February the xiij day was Agnes Lambe the supposed dawghter of xxofer Lambe of Dufto baptised.
The xix day was Rychard Mounsey the sonne of Leonard Mounsey of Wydewth baptised.
The xxj day were Mychaell Herreos of Emont bridge and Margret Wedderelt of Askham maryed.
March the xiij day was John Collinson servant to Mrs Davies of Low Winder buryed.
Anno Dni 1609.
The xxv day was Thomos Skayffe the son of Rychard Skayffe of Helton baptised.
June the second day was Willm Bowsher of Askham buryed.
The xxj day was the Bishopps Visitacion holden at Penrith 1609.
July the ix day was Jennat Colleson dawghter of Rychard Colleso of Helto baptised.
The xvj day was John Langhorne sonne of Thomas Langhorne elder of Askhame baptised.
The same day was Rychard Holme sonne of John Holme of Heltondaile baptised.
The xxx day was Margrett Robertso dawghter of Stephen Robertso of Askham baptised.
August the 13 day was Jennatt Hoggard of Helto wedow buryed.
The 20 day was xxofer Nelso of the pesh of Kendall and Agnes Lambert of this pesh maryed.
September the xxj day was John Bowsfield the sonne of John Bowsfield of Askhame baptised.
October the xv day was Margrett Kendall dawghter of Thomas Kendall of Gill baptised.
November the xij day was John Colleso sonne of Hewgh Collinso of Askhame baptised.
The same day were Mychaell Tynkler and ffrancis Collinso both of this pesh maryed.
The xxvj day was Willm Collinso sonne of Thomas Collinso of Helto baptised.
December the tenth day was Ellas Lancaster dawghter of Edmund Lancaster of Askham baptised.
The xx day was a stillborn child of xxofer Nelsons of Helton buryed 1609.
The 27 day was Thomas Stavert the sonne of Thomas Stavert of Askham baptised.
The 30 day was Agnes Nelso wyffe of xxofer buryed.
The same day was Agnes Clark wedow buryed.
January the 8 day was Elizabeth Herreson the dawghter of Mychaell Herreso of Askham baptised.
The xxj day was Jennatt Moffatt dawghter of Patterick Moffatt baptised.
February the 19 day was Jane Wilkinson the dawghter of Henry Wilkinson of Heltondaile baptised.
The 24 day was John Braydley sonne of James Braydley of Helto baptised.
March the sixt day was Margret the dowghter of Hewgh Collinso of Helto buryed.
The eight day was Jane Wrey wedow buryed.
The xvj day was Willm the sonne of Thomas Watter of Adkham baptised.
The xxi day was Lanclott Hutchinson the sonne of Sr John Hutchinson of Askham baptised.
Anno Dni 1610.
March the xxv day was Jane Collinson the dawghter of Hewgh Collinson of Helton baptised.
Aprill the viij day was Mabell Collinson doughter of John Collinson of Askham towne head buried.
The 22 day was Lanclott Varey the sonne of Edmond Varey of Askam baptised.
The xxvij day was Margarett Kendall the dawghter of Thomas Kendall of Gill buryed.
May the sixth day was Willm Watter sonne of Thomas Watter buryed.
July the first day was Thomas Noble of Wydwth within the pesh of Bampto and Martha Ematso of this pesh maryed.
The xxij day was Isabell Langhorne dawghter of Willm Langhorne yongr of Helton baptised.
September the second day was Janne Law the dawghter of Edmond Law baptised 1610.
October the 3rd day was John Heirst and Jane Wachell two poor travellers whiped, and two pooer men viz Willm Caeter and Richard Clerk being two of his neighbors had gyven their tsoy full prompt before the Congregaco yt ther were no former Contract 1610.
October the xxj day was Stephen Field of the pesh of Penreth and Doritye Jameson of this pesh maryed.
December the xiiij day was Agnes Gowlinge dawghter of John Gowlinge buryed.
The xxj day was John Munsey sonne of Thom baptised.
The same day was Margrett the dowghter of Thomas Dixon of Askam baptised.
The xxiiij day was Agnes Bowma dawghter of Thomas Bowma baptised.
January the xviij day were Rychard and Willm Sandford sonnes of Allan Sandford of Helton baptised.
The xx day was Richard Sandford buried.
The 29 day was Grace Collinson dawghter of Thomas Collinson of Helton buryed.
The same day was Henry Winder and Agnes Smyth both of this pesh maryed.
Februarye the 9 day was Thomas Stavert of Askham Howseholder buryed.
Thr tenth day was Margrett Mounsey dawghter of Rychard Mounsey baptised.
The xviij day was a poor child called ------ Treeve buryed.
The xvij day was Margrett the dawghter of Thomas Lowysh of Helton baptised.
The xxiiij day was Margaret Rytson dawghter of Thomas Rytson of Askham baptised.
The xxvj day was John Bowman a child of Roland Bowman of Knype wthin Bampton pesh baptised.
Marche the third day was Thomas Smyth sonne of John Smyth of Helton baptised.
The 17 day was Michaell Tynkler the sonne of Michaell Tynkler of Askham baptised.
The same day was a stillborn child of Thomas Hoggard buried.
March the xxxj day was John Cowp sonne of Wilm Cowp baptised.
The same day was John the sonne of Stephen Robertson baptised.
Anno Dni 1611.
Aprell the tenth day was Grace Langhorne the wyffe of Thomas Langhorne of Askham buryed.
The xiiij day was Thomas sonne of Thomas Langhorne of Askham baptised.
The 21 day was Thomas Kendall the sonne of Thomas Kendall of Gill baptised.
The xxv day was Jane Law the dawghter of Edmond Law buryed.
June the fyrst day was Thomas Kendall son of Thomas Kendall the younger buryed.
The sixt day was Mabell Tynkler a servant of Mrs Sandforde buryed.
The eight day was Willm Wilkinson of Helto Howseholder buryed.
The xj day was our Generall Chapter and our Regester booke presented at Penreth.
The xxiij day was John Gybson and Elizabeth Herreson both of this pesh single p’rsons maryed.
July the xix day was Jane the supposed dawghter of James ------- baptised.
August the 18 day were Thomas Langhorne and Bridgett Mounsey both of this pesh single p’rsons maryed.
September the v day was John Collinson Howseholder buryed.
The 22 day was Isabell the dawghter of Thomas Holme baptised.
October the xxiij day was Jennatt Bewsher single woman buryed.
The xxvij day was Jane Collinson dawghter of Thomas Collinson of Askham baptised.
The 17 day was Agnes the supposed dawghter of -------- baptised.
November the 18 day was John Kendall sonne of Thomas Kendall buryed.
The same day was Thomas Langhorne of Askham and Margaret Gilping of the parish of Kendall maryed.
The xxiiij day was Agnes Mounsey dawghter of Leonard Mounsey of Wydewyth baptised.
December the first day was Henry Bewsher sonne of Thomas Bewsher of Askham baptised.
The 5 day was John Robley and Florence Collinson both of Helton maryed.
The 15 day was Thomas the sonne of xxofer Salkelde baptised.
The xvj day was Grace Hutton of Helton a poor wedow buryed.
January the xij day was Jennatt the dawghter of ------ Wilkinson of Heltondaile baptised.
The 19 day was John the sonne of Thomas Collinson of Helton junr baptised.
The xx day was Willm Sandfoord the sonne of Allan Sandfoord of Helton buryed.
The xxvj day was Elizabeth the dawghter of Rychard Skayffe of Helton baptised.
ffebruary the 7 day was Margrett the dawghter of Rychard Mounsey of askham buryed.
The 9 day was Henrye the sonne of John Holme of Heltondaile baptised.
The 19 day was a stillborn child of Jo: Gibson buryed.
March the thyrd day was Elizabeth the dawghter of Rychard Skayffe buryed.
The xiij day was Margarett the dawghter of Rychard Hutchinson of Helton baptised.
The xv day was Elizabeth the dawghter of Thomas Watter of Askham baptised.
The xxj was a stillborne childe of Thomas -------- of Askham eldest buryed.
The xxij day was Willm the sonne of Willm Walker of Askham baptised.
The xxv day was Henry the sonne of John Jameso of Helton baptised.
Aprill the xij day was Elizabeth the dawghter of John Bowsfeild of Askham baptised being Easter day.
The 19 day was Agnes the dawghter of Thomas Stafford baptised.
The xxj day was Mary the dawghter of Thomas Langhorne shomaker baptised.
The xxiij day was Jennatt the wyffe of Thomas Kendall of Askham elder buryed.
The xxviij day was Willm the son of Willm Watter of Askham buryed.
The xxxj day was Martha the dawghter of john fflowers being a traveler baptised.
June the 7 day was John the sonne of Edmond Law baptised.
The same day was James a poor travers child baptised.
The 9 day was Jennatt the dawghter of Thomas Kendall buryed.
June the xvth was the Bishops visitation holden at Graistock.
The 17 day was Mary the dawghter of Thomas Langhorne buryed.
The 21 day was Stephen Jopson of the barony of Kendall and Agnes Smyth of this pesh maryed.
The same day was Thomas Kendall eldest buryed.
July the 5 day were Thomas Mounsey and Elizabeth Aray both of Askam and single p’rsons maryed.
The 22 day was Elizabeth Collison wedow buryed.
The 25 day was Willm the sonne of Mychaell Hereson of Askam baptised.
The xxx day was John the sonne of W. Cowp of Askam buryed.
August the xxx was John the sonne of Henry Langhorne of Helton baptised.
October the ij day was Agnes the dawghter of Patterick Moffatt (illegible).
The said day was Elizabeth dawghter of Hewgh Collinson of Helton baptised.
November the first day was Jane the dawghter of Willm Langhorne of Helton junior baptised 1612.
The twelth day was John the sonne of Thomas Kendall of Askham junior baptised.
December the 6 day was Elizabeth the dawghter of Alla Sandforth ------.
The same day was Margarett the dawghter of Edward Lancaster baptised.
The xxix day was John the sonne of Thomas Kendall yongr buryed.
January the v day was John Stelye of Askham buryed.
The xxviij day were Richard Collinson of Helton and Elizabeth Abbott of Askham weddidd.
The same day was Mabell the dawghter of Oswold Nycolson baptised.
February the xxviij day was Robert the sonne of Richerd Mounsey baptised.
March the twenty and twoo was Elizabeth Collinson single woma buryed.
Aprill the 18th day was Willm the sonne of Thomas Munsey (?) baptised.
The 25 day was C ------ the dawghter of Ryc Collinson senr baptised.
The 27 day as John Lambert of Helton buryed.
May the 8 day was Jennatt the wyffe of Thomas Wilkinson of Hilton buryed.
The 9 day was Jane the dawghter of Thomas Mounsey of Aska baptised.
May the xviij day was the Generall Chapter holden at Penrith 1613.
The 23 day was Grace Bowman single woman buryed.
The xxv day was Agnes the dawghter of Willm Watter baptised.
June the sixt day wa Mabell the dawghter of Ryc Collinson of wodd baptised.
July the eightene day was John the son of Mychaell Tynkler of Askham baptised.
August the 8 day was Thomas the sonne of John Gibson of Askham baptised.
The 13 day was Jane the dawghter of Thomas Bowma of Askham baptised.
He 28 day were Rychard Collinson and Agnes Lambert both of Helton maryed.
October the 19 day was the Generall Chapter holden at Penreth.
The xxv day was John Stafford of this pesh and Jenatte Mounsey of barto maryed at Barton.
The said day wew Robt Rychardson and Agnes Wilkinson of Hilton both of this pesh maryed.
November the tenth day was a poor traveller’s child buryed.
The xxviij day was Thomas Slee of the pesh of Weddermelock and Elizabeth Bewsher of this pesh maryed.
The vth day was Thomas the sonne of Thomas Lowesh of Helton baptised.
The xij day was Thomas the sonne of Thomas Langhorne of Askam shomaker baptised.
January the first day was Agnes the dawgter of Hewgh Hudson of the pesh of Bampton baptised.
The sixt day was Mabell the dawghter of Mychaell Watter baptised.
The 9 day was John the sonne of Rychard Skafe baptised.
The said day was Doryty the dawghter of Edward Arey of Askam baptised.
The xvj day was Margrett the dawghter of Hewgh Collinson of Askam baptised.
The xxviij day was Grace Meason of Hilton wedow buryed.
The 13 day was Agnes the dawghter of Thomas Holme of Helton Daile baptised.
The twenty day was John the sonne of John Stavert of Askam baptised.
The same day was Agnes dawghter of Henry Langhorne baptised.
Ano Dni 1614.
March the xxvth was John the sonne of Robert Rychardson of Helton baptised.
The same day was Agnes the dawghter of Thomas ------- baptised.
Aprill the tenth day was Robt so of Hewgh Fuddergill baptised.
The xiiij day was Willm Cowp of Askham howseholder buryed.
The xvth day was Hewgh the supposed sonne of Cuthbt (torn) baptised.
The xix day was Agnes the wyffe of Hewgh Fuddergell (torn).
The xxx day was Margrett Thomson of Hilton buryed.
June the second day was Issabell dawghter of Henry Wilkinson of Heltondaile baptised.
June the 13 day was Jane the dawghter of Thomas Langhorne Junior of Askam
An Dni 1614 the 7 day was our Generall Chapter holden at Penreth and our Regester boke presented there.
August the sixt day was Michaell Langhorne of Helton buryed.
The eight day was Margarett Langhorne wedow buryed.
The 9 day was Willm Langhorne junor of Helton Buryed.
The 13 day was Margrett the dawghter of Nycolas Cowp of Askam buryed.
September the iiij day was Annas the dowghter of John Smith of Helton youngest baptised.
The xviij day was Rychard the sonne of Thomas Collinson of Helton junior baptised.
The said Michaell Langhorne heare before wrytten bequeathed by his last Will and testamt v marks to be letten fyrth in this peshe after viijd a noble and the increase to be gyven yearely to the poore of this pesh at the same day yt his father in law Henry Wilkensons increase comes in at the discretion of Rychard Mounsey and Rychard Langhorne and ther successors wth the Vicar then being.
October the 4 day was Dority the dawghter of Mychaell Herreson of Askam baptised.
The xv day was Will Johneson of Heltondaile buryed.
November the x day were John Clerk within the pesh of Lowther and Mary Holme of this pesh wedded.
December the eight day was Issabell the dawghter of Rychard Mounsey of Askam buryed.
The xviij day was Robert the son of Hewgh Fuddergell of Askam buryed.
January the xxix day was Thomas the son of Willm Langhorne of Helton junior baptised.
February the seconde day was Jannatt the dawghter of Thomas Stafford of Askham baptised.
The same day was Elizabeth dawghter of John Holme of Heltondaile baptised.
The xix day was Martha the dawghter of Thomas Kendall yonger baptised.
The xxv day was Thomas the sonne of Willm Langhorne buried.
March the sixt day was Rychard a base begotten son of Willm Wilkinson of Helton baptised.
The same day was Agnes the dawghter of Thomas Kendall (?).
The xv day was Myles the sonne of John Bowsher of Askam baptised.
The xix day was Agnes dawghter of Edmond Law baptised.
Aprill 1615.
The xxx was Dority dawghter of Richard Collinson wright baptised.
The 29 day was John the sonne of xxofer Salkeld of Helton baptised.
June 1615.
The xiiij day was the Byshopp’s Visitacion holden at Penrith and our Regester booke presented.
July the xij day was Thomas sonne of Thomas Bowma of Askham buryed.
The xvj day were Thomas Holme and Mabell Salkeld both of this pesh single p’sons maryed.
August the 13 day was the supposed child of Ra------
The second of September was Elioner the supposed dawghter of Anthony Machell buryed.
The 23 of October was John the supposed sonne of John Loweshe of Helton baptised.
The first of November was Janne Denison wedow buryed.
The xi day was Margrett the dawghter of ---- Collinson of Askham baptised.
The xxvj day was Janne the dowghter of Leonard Mousey of Wythewath baptised.
The first day was John Varey a traveller buryed.
The fowerth day was Agnes Wilkinson of Helton wedow buryed.
The xij day was Rychard Skaife of Helto buryed.
The xxix day were John Hutchinson of the parish of Addingham and Agnes Bowma of this parish weddid.
The same day was John the sonne of John Jameson of Helton baptised.
The second day was John the son of Edward Lancaster of Askham baptised.
The xj day was Thomas the sonne of Mychaell Tynkler baptised.
The same day was Elizabeth Joneson of Heltondaile single wom buried.
The 27 day was Margrett the dawghter of John Stafford baptised.
March the tenth day was Agnes ye dawghter of Hewgh Colleson of Helton baptised.
Ano Dni 1616.
The 31 day was Thomas the sonne of Thomas Kendall of Askam senior baptised.
Aprill the second day was Richard the sonne of Willm Walker of Askam baptised.
The 9 day was Willm Wilkinson alias Wright of Helton buryed.
The 30 day were Thomas Hilton of the parish of St. Mychaells and Elizabeth Sandford of this pesh maryed.
May the ix day was Agnes the supposed dawghter of John Buttery dwelling in Yorkshire baptised.
The 22 day was Margrett the wyffe of Mychaell Herreson of Askham buryed.
June the fowerth day was our Generall Chapter holden at Penreth and our Regester booke presented.
The 18 day was John the sonne of Rychard Mounsey baptised.
The same day was Jane Wyffe of the said Rychard buryed.
The xx day was Henry Lorde Byshopp of Carliell buryed.
July the first day were Robt Rychardson and Jane Skaife both of Helto wedded.
The xxv day was Edmond sonne of Willm Langhorne of Helto baptised.
September the ffirst day was Martha dawghter of Thomas Langhorne shomaker baptised.
The ix day was Grace the wyffe of John Judson of Helton buryed.
The 27 day was Margrett the dawghter of Henry Wilkinson of Heltondaile baptised.
October the seconde day was Edward the sonne of Robert Bowness baptised.
The xvj day was Thomas the sonne of Thomas Hilton baptised, his godfathers were Sr Ephraim Widdrington knight, Mr Francis Hilto, Mary Lady Dorret his godmother.
The xviij day was John the sonne of Rychard Mounsey buryed.
November the vth day was Martha dawghter of Barbary Caton buryed.
The xiiij day were Thomas Abbott of Askham and Isabell Noble of Heltondaile and both within this perresh maryed.
December the eight day were Willm Judson and Mabell Noble of Helton maryed.
The xxvj day was Agnes dawghter of Robt Rychardson of Helto baptised.
The same day was Willm sonne of John Rowtledge of Helto baptised.
The xxviij day was John the supposed of John Loweshe of Helto buryed.
January the first day was Agnes Alleso a poor woma buryed.
The xxvj day was Willm the sonne of Henry Langhorne of Helton baptised.
The same day was Agnes ye dawghter of Thomas Langhorne of ye Kilne baptised.
February the seconde was Robt the sone of Edmond Jameso (?) of Yenwth baptised.
The xvj day was Thomas the sonne of Thomas Bowma of Askham baptised.
March the xxix day was Agnes ye dawghter of Thomas Langhorne buryed.
An Dni 1617.
Aprill the viij day was Thomas the sonne of Thomas Hilton gentleman buryed.
The same day was John the sonne of Rychard Skaife deceased buryed.
May the seconde day was Margret dawghter of Stephen Robertson buryed.
The 8 day was Elizabeth the supposed dawghter of John Colleson of Askham baptised.
The xxi day was Elizabeth ye wyffe of Thomas Rytson buryed.
The xxx day was Agnes bliche (?) a poor woma buryed.
June the first day were John Mason of the pesh of Asbye and Rebecca Martindaile of this pesh maried.
June the sixth day Ano Dni 1617.
The same day was our new Byshopp his Visitation holden at Saint Lawrence church in Appleby and our regester book presented.
The tenthe day was Thoms the son of Thoms Holme of Heltondaile baptised.
The eleaventh day was Jennatt dawghter of Thomas Holme of Askham baptised.
The xvj day was Edmond Tynkler of Askham howseholder buryed.
July the sixt day was Willm the sonne of Alla Sandford of Helton baptised.
The 20 day were Myles Bateman of Windermer and Jennat Grame of this pesh maryed.
August the xij day was Agnes the dawghter of Edmond Law buryed.
The xxij day was Agnes the wyffe of Hewgh Colleson of Helton buryed.
The xxiiij day were John Herreson and Agnes Wilkinson of Helton maryed.
The same day was John ye sonne of Rychard Colleso wright baptised.
The 31 day was Elioner the wyffe of Thomas Stafford of Askham buryed.
September the 8 day was Elizabeth Martindaile wedow buryed.
The xxi day were Hewgh Langhorne of the pesh of Bampton and Elizabeth Gibson of Askham maryed.
October the v day was Elizabeth the dawghter of Thomas Abbott baptised.
The eight day was Thomas the sonne of Thomas Tynkler of Askham buryed.
The xj was Grace the dawghter of Willm Judson of Helton baptised.
November the first day was Henry the sonne of Thomas Watter of Askham baptised.
Day was Mabell the dawghter of Willm Langhorne of Helto junior buryed.
Leaf missing.
May 1619. The seconde day was Thomas the sonne of Edwarde Lancaster baptised.
The sixt day was John the sonne of John Rowtledge of Helto baptised.
The xvj day was John the sonne of Thomas Mounsey of Askham baptised.
The xxiij day was Leonard the sonne of Leonard Mounsey of Widewth baptised.
The xxx day were Leonard Tynkler and Elizabeth Mounsey both of this pesh maryed.
June the iiijth day was Margrett the dawghter of Mychaell Watter buryed.
The xv day was our Generall Chapter holden at Penreth and our regester boke presented.
The xix day were Thomas Smyth of Bowerbank and Katheran Walker of Elderbesk both of Barton p’esh maryed by a licence from the L. Byshopp of Carliell.
The 27 day were Lanclott Wilkinson of Wheale within the pesh of Lowther and Elizabeth Wilkinson of this pesh maryed.
The 28 day was Rychard Patteson Howseholder buryed.
The iiij day were Thomas Bowman and Mabell Smyth both of Helton maryed.
The xviij day was Doritye dawghter of Robt Rytson of Helton baptised.
August the xxviij day was Elizabeth ye dawghter of John Holme (?) of Heltondaile younger buryed.
* Note from Brenda: Re ‘Leaf missing’, this is between November 1617 and May 1619. Over a whole year missing!
September the xij day were Edmond Noble within the Pesh of Bampton and Doritye Johneso of this pesh maryed.
The xxvj day was Jane the dawghter of John Collinson of (torn).
October the xvij day was Rychard the sonne of Rychard Collinson wright ------.
November the xxi day was Elizabeth dawghter of Willm Langhorne of Helton yonger baptised.
January the v day was Thomas Langhorne of Askham eldest buryed.
The xvij day was Rychard sonne of Heny Salkeld-----.
February the xij day was Jane Collinson of Askham wedow buryed.
The xiij day was Elizabeth the dawghter of Stafford of Askham baptised.
The xxj day was Margaret Bewsher wedow buryed.
The xxv day was Willm sonne of John Jameson of Helto baptised.
April 1620. The second day was Rychard sonne of Alla Sandford of Helto baptised.
The same day was Doritye ye dawghter of Thomas Bowma of Helto baptised.
The same day was Margrett dawghter of Edmond Noble of Widewth baptised.
February the xxiiij day was Mathias sonne of Henry Salkeld baptised.
June the iiij day was Willm Thompson howseholder buryed.
The vj (or 17) day were Rychard Ersworthe and Agnes Lacenbye both of this pesh maryed.
The 22 day was Thomas the son of Thomas Helton of Murton gentleman baptised.
July the sixt day was our Byshopp’s visitacion holden at Graistock and our Regester books presented, 1620.
The xvj day was Willm the sonne of Edmond Law of Askham baptised.
The xxv was Willm the sonne of Alla Sandford of Helton buryed.
The xxvij day was John the sonne of Thomas Abbott of Askham buryed.
October the xvij day was John the sonne of Hugh Langhorne baptised.
The xxj day was Sycilye daughter of John Tynkler baptised.
The xxiiij day was John sonne of Willm Walker of Askham baptised.
November the xv day was Rychard sonne of Willm Walker of Askham buryed.
The xix day was Agnes dawghter of Symonde Lambert of Helton baptised.
December the 8 day was Hewgh Edmodson of Askham buryed.
The 13 day was Margaret Collinson a poore wench of Askham buryed.
The xxj day was Edmond the sonne of Thomas Loweshe of Helton baptised.
January the 7 day was Thomas the sonne of James Talier baptised.
The same day was Agnes dawghter of Leonard Tynkler baptised.
The xv day was Willm the sonne of George Johnson baptised.
February the xv day was John Tynkler a poor man buryed being of Askham.
was Agnes dawghter of Mychaell Watter baptised.
was Jannatt Colleso dawghter of Thomas Colleson of wodd buryed.
The same day was Henry the sonne of John Smyth yongest of Helton baptised.
The xxj day was Thomas sonne of Tho Bowma of Askham buryed.
The xx day was John the supposed sonne of xxofer Lambert of Helton baptised.
Aprill the second day was Mabell dawghter of Henry Wilkinson of Helton baptised.
The 3 day was Thos sonne of Thos Watters of Askham buryed.
The 8 day was Elizabeth dawghter of Willm Judson of Helton baptised.
The xvth day was Ryc the sonne of John Colleson of the Wodd baptised.
The xvij day was our Generall Chapter holden at Penreth.
The xxix day was Henry sonne of Henry Salkeld of Askham baptised.
May the 4 day was Mabell dawghter of Thomas Colleson of Wodde buryed.
The sext day was Elizabeth dawghter of John Holme of Heltondaile baptised.
The tenth day was Thomas sonne of Thomas Wilso of ye powdnn baptised.
The xv day was Francis a base begotten child of Elizabeth Cosin baptised.
The xviij day was Hewgh Colleson of Askham howseholder buryed.
July the 8 day was Thomas sonne of Rychard Colleson of Askham baptised.
The same day was Willm sonne of Robert Rychardson of Helton baptised.
The same day was Agnes dawghter of Thomas Abbot baptised.
The xv day were Thomas Dixon and Francis Vawy both of Askham maryed.
August xxiiij day was Francis base born dawghter of Elizabeth Cosin buryed.
The xxvj day were Thos Wilso of the pesh of Barton and Margrett Lowysh (?)
of this pesh maryed.
September the second day was Willm the sonne of xxofer Salkeld of Helton baptised.
The same day was Willm the sonne of Edmond Law buryed.
The xiiij day was Rychard Colleson of Askham howsholder buryed.
The xix day were John Tynkler and Margrett Jameson of Askham maryed.
The xx day was Jane Bowsher of Askham single woman buryed.
The xxvj day were Thomas Cowp and Agnes Colleson of Askham maryed.
The xxiij day was Willm Bewsher of Askham single man buryed.
xxj day was Thomas sonne of Thos Wilkinson a traveller baptised.
The xxv day was Thomas sonne of Thomas Holme of Askham yong baptised.
The xxx day was Margret Wilkinson of Helton wedow buryed.
The xx day was George the sonne of John Stafford of Askham baptised.
was a stillborn child of John Tynkler of Yeat buryed.
10 day was Lanclott the supposed sonne of Lanclott Hereson being a base begotten baptised.
was John sonne of Hewgh Langhorne of -------
The 24 day was Margrett dawghter of Mychaell Tynkler baptised.
March the third day was Thomas sonne of Thomas Mounsey of Askham baptised.
The xvj day was Francis Coosin of Askham wedow buryed.
The xvij day was Agnes the dawghter of Edmond Noble of Widewth baptised.
Anno Dni 1622.
March the xxix day was Isabell the wife of John Rowtledge buryed.
Aprill the xij day was Jane the wife of Robt Rychardson of Helton buryed.
Th ix of May 1622 was our Generall Chaptr holden at Penreth.
The 25 day were Willm Wilkinson and Jane Wilkinson of Helton maryed.
The xxx day were xxofer Lambert and Mary Langhorne maryed.
The xviij day were ffrancisse Lancaster of the pesh of Barton and Jane Lambert of this pesh maryed.
The day were thomas Durrham (?) a traveller and Agnes Postlethwait of pesh maryed.
The second day was Willm Langhorne of Helton senior buryed.
day were John Mounsey of this pesh and Susanna Mounsey (?) of the pesh of Penreth maryed.
The xxj day Edward Colleso of Askham buryed.
The eight day was John the sonne of Thomas Colleson of Helton baptised.
The xv day was Elizabeth the dawghter of John Tynkler baptised.
The xxiiij day was Marian Smyth wife of John Smith of Helton buryed.
The xxvj day was Jane the wife of Willm Langhorne of Helton junr buryed.
The same day was Agnes dawghter of the said Willm Langhorne baptised.
The xxix day was Willm sonne of John Bowsfield Askham baptised.
The xviij day was John the sonne of Symond Lambert of Helton baptised.
The xxv day was Margrett Johnson weddo buryed.
The xxix day were Thomas Hutchinson and Jane Langhorne both of this pesh maryed.
The same day was Thomas the sonne of John Rowtledge of Helton buryed.
The xxvij day was Mary the dawghter of Edward Lancaster baptised.
day was Margrett Lambert of Helton wedow buryed.
was Margrett (?) dawghter of Thomas Dixon baptised.
The sext day was Nicolas Cowp of Askham buryed.
The xvj day was Lanclott the supposed sonne of Lanclott Herreso buryed.
The xv day was John Rowtledge a poor ma of Helton buryed.
The xvij day was Richard Colleson of Helton a poor man buryed.
The xix day was Thomas Bowman of Helton howsholder buryed.
The xxvj day was thomas the sonne of Leonard Mounsey of Widewth baptised.
April 1623.
The sext day was Agnes the dawghter of Willm Wilkinson of Helton baptised.
The ix day was Agnes the dawghter of Willm Langhorne of Helton buryed.
Aprill 1623 the last day was our Generall Chaptr holden at Browgham Chappell and a Coppie of our Regester books p’sented.
The seventh day was Agnes the wife of Thomas Bewsher of Askham buryed.
The vij day was Marye the dawghter of Thomas Bowma of Helton baptised.
The xviij day was Elizabeth dawghter of John Mounsey of Askham baptised.
The xxj day was Thomas Kendall a poor ma of Askham buryed.
The xxv day was Willm sonne of Thomas Lowesh of Helton baptised.
The xxx day Katheran the wife of Henry Dicso of Helton buryed.
The xiij day was Elizabeth Collinson a poore wedow buryed.
The xiiij day was Hewgh Collinson of Helto howsholder buryed.
The sixt day was Elizabeth the wife of Thomas Mounsey of Askham buryed.
xii day Doritye dawghter of Elizabeth Collinson buryed.
The xiij day were John Jameso and Margrett Bewsher both of Askham maryed.
The xv day was Richard Arey a poore traveler buryed.
The xxv day was Thomas sonne of John Nycolson of Sparkett buryed.
The xxv was Syccily dawghter of Ryc Collinson of Helton buryed.
The day was Thomas Mounsey a poore ma of Helton buryed.
The xxxj day was Elizabeth ye dawghter of John Mounsey buryed.
The third day was Elizabeth dawghter of John Tynkler baptised.
The tenth day was Mary dawghter of Thomas Hutchinson baptised.
The xiiij day was Marian the wyfe of Edmonde Lambert (?) buryed.
The xxvij day was Mary the dawghter of Thomas Dixon of ------
The xxix day was Isabell Cowp a poore wedow of Askham buryed.
The xxx day was Marian the wife of Edmond Lambert of Hilton buryed.
day of September was Willm son of Mychaell -----
The 8 day was Barbery Ca------- a poor weddow buryed.
was Jane Mounsey of Askham wedow buryed.
The xxv day was Henry Dixon a poore man of Hilton buryed.
The xiij day was thomas Ritso of Askham buryed.
The xvj day was Rychard Langhorne of Hilton buryed.
The xxj day was Thomas Bowsher of Askham buryed.
The xxx day was Isabell dawghter of Henry Salkeld baptised.
The xxiiij day was Thomas ye sonne of Willm Judso baptised.
The same day was John the sonne of John Jameso of Helto baptised.
The sext day was Mary the dawghter of Ed Lancaster buryed.
day were Edmond Lambert and Alice Robinson sing persons maryed.
was Grace Colleso a poore wedow buryed.
The same day John the sonne of John Jameson of Askham buryed.
The xxviij day was John Colleson a servant buryed.
The xxij day was John Abbott of Askham Howsholder buryed.
The xxiij day was Mychaell Bowma a poor buryed.
The xxv day was Thomas the sonne of James Talyer buryed.
day was Agnes the wife of Thomas Dickso of Askham buryed.
day was Thomas Bowma of Askham howsholder buryed.
day was Thomas Dickson of Askham howsholder buryed.
The xxv day was Margrett the wife of Willm Walker of Askham buryed.
The xxviij day was Agnes the wife of Thomas Bowma of Askham buryed.
March AnoDni 1624.
xix was Jenatt the wife of Mychaell Watter of Askham buryed.
Were Will Tynkler and Agnes Judson both of Askham maryed.
Aprill the x day was our Generall Chapter holden at Penreth.
ix day was Jane Lambert of Hilton wedow buryed.
xxv day were xxofer Grenehow and Agnes Langhorne both of this pesh maryed.
27 day were Nicolas Whiteside and Sybell Fuddergill both of this pesh maryed.
The xiij day were Alla Jameso of Great Strickland and Jennatt Smyth of this pesh maryed.
xij day was Agnes the dawghter of John Mounsey of Askham baptised.
The xix day was Henry sonne of John Tynkler of Askham baptised.
Same day was Willm sonne of Henry Wilkinson of Heltondaile baptised.
The xxiij day were Thomas Mounsey of Askham and Isabell Lambert of Bampto wedded.
xix day was John the sonne of Thomas Slee of Askham baptised.
was John the sonne of John Tynkler of Keld Head baptised.
day was Nicolas the son of Nicolas Girlington baptised.
day were Thomas Stewart and Jennatt Bateman of this pesh maryed.
was Mychaell the sonne of Willm Langhorne of Hilton baptised.
Page Missing.
January 1627.
The sixt day was Agnes dowghter of John Tynkler of Askham baptised.
The same day was Francisse dawghter of Thomas Stewardson baptised.
The 7 day was Mabell wife of Henry Tinkler buryed.
The 4 day was Margrett dowghter of Willm Langhorne baptised.
The v day were John Collinson and Mary Fuddergill maryed.
The 18 day was Thomas ye sonne of Thomas Herrso of Hilto baptised.
The same day was Willm ye sonne of John Collinso of Hilto baptised.
The same day was Willm the sonne of Willm Judso of Hilton buryed.
The xj day was Willm the sonne of Henry Salkeld baptised.
The same day was Margrett the dawghter of Thomas Bowma baptised.
The same day was Rychard the sonne of Edmond Collinson baptised.
The xxv was Thomas the sonne of Thomas Heneson of Hilton buryed.
The 8 day was Phillipp the sonne of Thomas Dickson buryed.
The same day was Agnes dawghter of Thomas Lowesh baptised.
The xij was John Smyth of the p d fould buryed.
The xv day was Doritye dawghter of George Joneson baptised.
The xviij day was Agnes dawghter of John Tynkler buryed.
The xxx day was a stillborne child of Thomas Smyth of Hilto buryed.
The same day was Henry sonne of xxofer Lambert baptised.
The Generall Chapter was holden at Penreth xxiiij day of Aprill.
The sixt day was Thomas sonne of John Tynkler of Yeate baptised.
The 18 day was a dawghter of John Sandforth of Askham esquier buryed.
The 9 day was John Jameso of Hilton howsholder buryed.
The tenth day was Edmond sonne of Mychaell Tynkler baptised.
xxj day was John Fairen a servant at ye howse buryed.
The xxiiij day was John the sonne of Willm Wilkinson of Hilto baptised.
The 28 day were John Nicolson and Margrett Langhorne of Askam maryed.
day of June was our Byshopp’s visitacion holden at Graistock.
The v day were Henry Langhorne and Margrett Mounsey of this pessh maryed.
The xij day was Henry the sonne of Thomas Hutchinson baptised.
The same day was Thomas the sonne of Rychard Bowma baptised.
The xix were Ambrose Lancaster of Hartsoppe and Jane Smyth of this pesh maryed.
Same day was Elioner dawghter of Ryc Mounsey baptised.
Third day was Jane the dawghter of xxofer ------
The xj day was Henry Tynkler of Askham howsholder buryed.
The xvj day was Thomas the sonne of John Nicolson of Askham baptised.
The xxx day was James the son of James Talyor baptised.
The xiiij day was John the sonne of John Jameso of Askham baptised.
The same day was Doritye dawghter of Henry Wilkinson baptised.
The xxviij day was Robt sonne of Thomas Mounsey of Askham baptised.
The iiij day was Agnes dawghter of John Collinson of Askham baptised.
The 18 day were John Ward and Elizabeth Langhorne both of this pesh maryed.
The xviij day was Jannatt Collinson a poore wedow of Hilto buryed.
The x day was Jennatt Walker a poore wedow of Heltondail buryed.
The x day was Agnes dawghter of Thomas Dickson of Askham baptised.
The third day was Edward sonne of Thomas Herreso baptised.
March Anno Dni 1628.
The xxv day was Ellasby wife of George Johnso buryed.
The 30 day was Francisse Hutchinson ye dawghter of Robert Hutchinson of Askham baptised.
The xiij day was Doritye the dawghter of Edmond Noble of Widewth baptised.
The xiij day was our Generall Chapter holden at Penreth Anno Dni 1628.
The xiiij day was Thomas Wilson a pore traveller’s child buryed.
The xxviij day was Willm sonne of Henry Salkeld buryed.
The 8th daywas Thomas the sonne of Henry Langhorne of Askham baptised.
The xvij day was a stillborne ma child of John Ward buryed.
The xxiij day as Agnes the wife of Willm Atkinson of Heltondaile buryed.
The same day was Doritye dawghter of Henry Wilkinson of Helton buryed.
August the 3rd day Anno Dni 1628.
Was Thomas Sandford sonne of John Sandford Esqre baptised, his godfathers were Thomas Salkeld of Rosgill Esqre by his deputie Mr Thomas Dacre, Mr Thomas Sandford sonne of Sir Richard Sandford of Howgill knight, Mrs Mary Dacre of the Abbay being his godmother.
The xvij day was a stillborne dawghter of Thomas Smyth of Hilto buryed.
day was Christopher the sonne of John Holme of Askham baptised.
The third day was Jane the dawghter of Nicolas Fudergill buryed.
The seconde day was Francis the dawghter of Thomas Stewartso buryed.
The xiijth day was Elizabeth dawghter of Nycolas Whiteside baptised.
The first day was Francisse dawghter of Edward Lancaster baptised.
The ix day was Thomas Holme howsholder buryed.
The xxix day was a stillborne dawghter of John Tynkler of Keld buryed.
March 1629.
The 12th day was Elizabeth dawghter of Nicolas Whiteside buryed.
The 29 day was Willm sonne of Edward Twhates baptised.
The same day was Jane dawghter of Willm Tynkler baptised.
The xij day was Jennatt dawghter of xxofer Lambert baptised.
Thr third day was Agnes the dawghter of John Herrso baptised.
The 14th day was Mabell ye dawghter of William Judsonne baptised.
The 14th day was Thomas the sonne of Thomas Hutchinson of Hilto baptised.
The xxiiij day Elizabeth dawghter of Henry Wilkinson of Hiltondaile (torn).
Anno Dni 1629.
July the 7 day was my L: Potter his visitacion holden at Penreth and our Regester booke presented.
The xij day was a stillborne dawghter of John Ward buryed.
The same day was Elizabeth dawghter of xxofer Salkeld baptised.
The xviijth day was Willm sonne of John Collinson of Helto buryed.
The xxix day Jane the supposed dawghter of George Holme now dwelling at Shapp Abbay baptised.
The 30 day was Mary the dawghter of Thomas Stewardso baptised.
The 13 day was Margrett dawghter of Ryc Bowma baptised.
The xj day was John the son of Ryc Wilkinson of Hilto baptised.
The same day was a stillborne child of Thomas St------
The xix day was Thomas Dikso------
The xxij day were Thomas Jameso and Jane Varey of Askam maryed.
The same day were John Varey and Mabell Jameson of Hilto maryed.
The third day was Thomas Cowp of Askham who had strangled himself buryed.
The x day were Willm Colleson and Elizabeth Lawe maryed.
The xij day was Thomas Noble of Hilton buryed.
The xx day was Francisse dawghter of Ryc Mounsey baptised.
The first day was Thomas the sonne of Willm Judso buryed.
The sixt day was Thomas the sonne of Nicolas Whiteside baptised.
The xvij day was John the sonne of Robt Hutchinson baptised.
The same day was Tho the sonne of Jo: Colleso baptised.
The xxix were Tho : Wilkinson and Mabell Lambt maryed.
The xxx was Robt the sonne of Edmond Collison baptised.
The same day was Elsabeth the daughter of Tho Mounsye baptised.
The xxviij day was Doritye ye dawghter of Willm Langhorne baptised.
Anno Domi 1630 Aprill the day was our Regester booke presented.
The xiiij day was Margrett the supposed dawghter of Ed : Maso (?) baptised.
The sext day was Thomas the sonne of John Tynkler of Aska baptised.
June Anno Dni 1630.
The eight day was the metropolitane visitaco holden at Penrethe.
The xviij day was Doritye Aray a single woman buryed.
The xxij day was Thomas Tynkler of Askame howsholder buryed.
The 18 day was a stillborne child of John Ward of Askham buryed.
The first day was Elizabeth dawghter of Thomas Bowma of Helton baptised.
The 8 day was Margrett dawghter of Willm Collinson baptised.
The xv day was Willm the sonne of John Jameson of Askham baptised.
The 12 day was Edward the sonne of John Sandford Esqr baptised, his godfather’s were Edward Eglonbye Esqr, Thomas Hilton gent, Mrs Agnes Dudley his godmother.
was Edmonde sonne of John Tynkler of Yeate baptised.
The 30 day were Lancelott Hutchinson and Magret Collinson single p’sons both of Askam maryed.
The 3 day was Mabell the dawghter of Thomas Dickson of Askham baptised.
The tenth day was Mabel ye dawghter of John Nicolso baptised.
The seventeenth day was Leonard ye sonne of Henry Langhorne of Askam baptised.
The same day was Edmond the sonne of James Taylour baptised.
The 7 day was Jane the daughter of Thomas Wilkinson of Hilton baptised.
The xij day was Elizabeth dawghter of Thomas Slee of Askham baptised.
The xxiij day was Edmond the son of John Arey of Askam baptised.
The same day was Agnes the dawghter of Thomas Arey of -----(?) baptised.
The xxviij was Mr Jo : Sandford, Esq. Buryed.
The xv day was stillborne child of Thos (torn) of Hilton buryed.
The twentyninth day Willm the supposed sonne of Willm Denison christened.
The xiij day was Thomas the sonne of Thomas Harrison of Hilton baptised.
The xx day was Edmond the sonne of Edmond Noble of Howell baptised.
The twentyeight day was Anne the dawghter of Lancelott Hutchinson of Askham baptised.
Aprill Anno Dni 1631.
Thy xvith day was Henry Langhorne of Aska buryed.
May the tenth day was our Generall Chapter holden at Penreth and our Regester booke p’sented 1631.
The 29 day was Willm sonne of John Langhorne of Hilto baptised.
The xvth day was Elizabeth the daughter of John Salkeld buryed.
The xxiiij day was Robt the son of Thomas Hutchinso bapt.
The 27 day was Agnes the dawghter of John -----
day was Thomas the son of Symond Lambert baptised.
The 28 day was Mabell the dawghter of Thomas Noble baptised.
The xxv day was Henry the sonne of Thomas Hutchinson buryed.
The xxiiij day was John Bowsefield of Askham howsholder buryed.
The xiij day was Thomas the sonne of John Stafford baptised.
The xj day was John the sonne of Ryc Bowma baptised.
The xxiij day was the sd John Bowma buryed.
The xxx day was Martha Smyth a single woman buryed.
The sixt day was Willm the sonne of John Holme baptised.
The xiij day was Henry Bewsher a servant buryed.
The xix day was Henry Wilkinson of Howell buryed.
The first day was Thomas Nycolson of Askham a servant buryed.
The tenth day was Willm the sonne of Michael Stelye buryed.
The xiij day was Jennatt the wyfe of Michael Stelye buryed.
day Grace Smyth of Hilton spinster buryed.
The xx day was Thomas Tynkler of Askham a servant buryed.
The 25 day was Agn : the daughter of Lancelott Hutchinson of Askham buryed viz. The same day she was born 1630.
oem crede die fibi dil (?) mors ultima linea-eram.
The 26 day was Thomas ye sonne of Willm Collinson of Askham baptised.
The 7 day was Thomas Kendall of the Gill in Aska buryed.
Marche the xv day was Margrett the dawghter of Willm Collinson buryed.
The xix day was Leonard the sonne of Leonard Mounsey buryed.
1632 Aprill.
The xv was our Generall Chapter holden at Penreth and our Regester booke p’sented.
The sext day was Agnes dawghter of Thomas Smyth baptised.
The xiij day was Martha dawghter of Thomas Langhorne buryed.
The xviij day was Agnes dawghter of John Hobso of Whaile buryed.
The xxj day was Robt the sonne of Thomas Hutchinso of Hilto buryed.
The xxij day were Thomas Tynkler and Mabell Stelye of Askham maryed.
The xxvj day was Mychaell Stelye of Askham buryed.
The xx (?) day was Isabell the wife of Thomas Mounsey of Askham buryed.
June the day was Agnes Stelye of Askham wedow buryed.
The xxiiij day was Thomas the sonne of Thomas Herreso buryed.
The xxix day was Mabell dawghter of Thomas Jameso baptised.
Julye the 8 was Jane dawghter of Thomas Mounsey of Askham buryed.
was Elizabeth dawghter of Tho Mounsey buryed.
The 22 day was Henry sonne of Willm Judso of Helto baptised.
The same day was Nycolas the sonne of Nycolas Whiteside baptised.
The same day was Isbell dawghter of xfer Lambert baptised.
The same day was xfer Lambert buryed.
The second day was Thomas Mounsey and Mabell Watter both of Askham maryed.
The 18 day was Edward the sonne of James Talior buryed.
The xxj day was our Bishopp Potter his visitacon holden at Penrethe.
The xxvj day was Robert the son of Robt Hutchinson baptised.
The xxx day were Ryc Herreso of Martindaile and Elioner Mounsey maryed.
The ix day were Richard Mylne of the pesh of Morland and Jane Sandforth of this pesh maryed.
The xviij day was Margret the wife of John Tynkler of yat buryed.
The sext day was Leonard the sonne of Henry Langhorne buryed.
The xvij day was Thomas the sonne of Willm Colleso of Aska buryed.
The first day was Edward the sonne of Ryc Herreson baptised.
The tenth day were John and ------------ the sonnes of Henry Wilkinson of Heltondaile baptised.
The xxij day was Isbell Wilkinso a poore woma buryed.
The xxiij day was Thomas sonne of Nycolas Fuddergill baptised.
The xiij day was Susin the dawghter of James Duglas (?) of Askham baptised.
The twentyeth day was Grace the dawghter of Richard Bowma of Askham baptised.
The xxj day was Willm the sonne of John Jameson of ------- (?) buryed.
February the third day was Jane the dawghter of John Nycolson of Aska baptised.
The tenth day was Lancelott the sonne of John Jameso of Aska baptised.